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Browns - Sheffield


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The food we ordered finally arrived after 50 minutes so we had to leave most of it uneaten in order to get back to work.


It's not really down to understaffing, a kitchen has a maximum number of covers it can physically do in one hour, especially if they are actually cooking things (instead of just microwaving) saying "we only have an hour for lunch" doesn't change this, unless you are the only person in the resturant you have to wait your turn, and at lunch time you will be at the bottom of a fairly long queue.

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I haven't been to the new Brown's yet so maybe it is just them being slow - but 'we only have an hour for lunch' complaint really irks me.


- Firstly, your hour for lunch is probably the same hour for lunch that everyone else has so it's going to be busy.

- Then it's usually a group of people so the covers need to come out as a table. There will always be someone who orders something that takes longer than the other dishes to prepare so the other dishes wait/other orders jump the queue while that's cooking.

- Also, as much as everyone bangs on about microwaves, maybe there's actual cooking going on too. This takes time. Even just a portion of chips takes longer if they're not from pre-cooked frozen ones or the 'thrice-cooked' chips (ie - they've already been cooked and are just heated up again in hot oil)


As I say, I haven't been to Browns so this isn't aimed at original poster specifically (especially as i don't know half the details), but I definitely think some people need to realise that, unless you *do* want fast, frozen food or a canteen style eatery, maybe an hour ISN'T ENOUGH TIME to prepare and eat the sort of meal you want AND get to and from your workplace.


Rant over :)

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I haven't been to the new Brown's yet so maybe it is just them being slow - but 'we only have an hour for lunch' complaint really irks me.


- Firstly, your hour for lunch is probably the same hour for lunch that everyone else has so it's going to be busy.

- Then it's usually a group of people so the covers need to come out as a table. There will always be someone who orders something that takes longer than the other dishes to prepare so the other dishes wait/other orders jump the queue while that's cooking.

- Also, as much as everyone bangs on about microwaves, maybe there's actual cooking going on too. This takes time. Even just a portion of chips takes longer if they're not from pre-cooked frozen ones or the 'thrice-cooked' chips (ie - they've already been cooked and are just heated up again in hot oil)


As I say, I haven't been to Browns so this isn't aimed at original poster specifically (especially as i don't know half the details), but I definitely think some people need to realise that, unless you *do* want fast, frozen food or a canteen style eatery, maybe an hour ISN'T ENOUGH TIME to prepare and eat the sort of meal you want AND get to and from your workplace.


Rant over :)


Went tuesday night had to wait 5 mins at the bar whlle an outdoor table became available. Food was fine iif a little on the pricey side for what it was, service was good so altogether an enjoyable way to spend a nice early summers evening and most definitely will return.

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Another thread which illustrates that the majority if Forummers are nothing but a bunch of moaners.

Indeed, ask a Forummer to pay more than a tenner a head on eating out and they look at you as if you've gone mad!

Explains Sheffield's rather pathetic 'big village' mentality if you ask me.

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Bulgarian and Venkman - let me clarify that I fully realise it is unreasonable to expect to be served a 2 or 3 course lunch quickly, especially on busy days (although I am referring here to a visit on a Monday lunchtime and the bar and restaurant were barely at half capacity). However, our order was only for three drinks and one starter platter for the three of us to share (bruschetta, pate etc all served on one large plate) so certainly wasn't complex. And even if the food took some time to prepare it is not in my view acceptable to wait over 30 minutes for a drinks order.

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No, it definitely isn't - as I say, this wasn't aimed at you but was me railing against much more of a general attitude that seems to pervade lunch hours round Sheffield.


Same for the people who look at me stunned that their latte isn't ready when I've only just handed them their change. Milk doesn't go from refrigerated to near-boiling in a split-second, y'know :rolleyes:

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A burger and chips shouldnt take more than 30 mins to cook and send, even when busy, thats just down to bad cheffing and sloppy management and organisation.


If a place sets itself premium prices thats even worse, the customer expects premium service.

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