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No I haven't, my disiplinary interview it tomorrow!


Then phone the Citizens Advice and ask them for advice OR see a solicitor and ask their advice, nothing sends the fear up bosses then someone who knows the law better than they do!!!

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I think it is unlikely that you would be dismissed unless it was in front of customers. You should be notified of a formal hearing at which you are entitled to be accompanied by a friend or union representative.


After the meeting you have the right of appeal up the chain. Faily that you have the right to go to an industrial tribunal for unfair dismissal. Over 50% of unfair dismissal cases at an IT are either awarded to the complainant or the employer settles because of the cost. If they think you are going to fight they are more likely to go for a formal warning rather than dismissal especially if this is a one off case.


NB I'm a former Union Rep but check with others if you can who know your employer

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I think it is unlikely that you would be dismissed unless it was in front of customers. You should be notified of a formal hearing at which you are entitled to be accompanied by a friend or union representative.


After the meeting you have the right of appeal up the chain. Faily that you have the right to go to an industrial tribunal for unfair dismissal. Over 50% of unfair dismissal cases at an IT are either awarded to the complainant or the employer settles because of the cost. If they think you are going to fight they are more likely to go for a formal warning rather than dismissal especially if this is a one off case.


NB I'm a former Union Rep but check with others if you can who know your employer


Thanks spirit, I apprecaite your advice.

I thought after the investigation interview I had, they would just make their decision and write to me, I am a bit surprised that I still have to go for a disiplinary interview, is that normal?

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Hi Guys,


This doesn't look good, I just received a letter from a disciplinary Manager to attend a Disciplinary interview tomorrow.


He wrote: I must warn you that the company considers this issue to be a very serious one and if it is found at the hearing that it comes under the examples of gross misconduct in committing a serious act of insubordination and harassment of your line manager, within the work environment, then it may lead to termination of your employment.


It does sound like a dismissal.


This is a standard letter in such cases. Make sure you take a friend or Union Rep with you (ACAS rules) & ask for and get a copy of the notes taken during the hearing. Your friend can make notes about how the hearing went.

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This is a standard letter in such cases. Make sure you take a friend or Union Rep with you (ACAS rules) & ask for and get a copy of the notes taken during the hearing. Your friend can make notes about how the hearing went.


Thanks, My meeting is at 10am, I have no one available to come with me, and I am not a member of a union, I will have to go on my own.

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Thanks spirit, I apprecaite your advice.

I thought after the investigation interview I had, they would just make their decision and write to me, I am a bit surprised that I still have to go for a disiplinary interview, is that normal?


Totally normal - It is following the ACAS rules. Have you had the notes of the investigation? If they have "found witnesses" you have the right to see their statements.


At the disiplinary interview you should / will be given time to make a statement - if you admit the offence, then mitigation should include provacation, previous good conduct.


What ever the outcome of the disiplinary interview you have the right to appeal up the chain.


Make sure you have as much written details as possible. Most companies regretably expect & hope that employees just accept their fate.

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Totally normal - It is following the ACAS rules. Have you had the notes of the investigation? If they have "found witnesses" you have the right to see their statements.


At the disiplinary interview you should / will be given time to make a statement - if you admit the offence, then mitigation should include provacation, previous good conduct.


What ever the outcome of the disiplinary interview you have the right to appeal up the chain.


Make sure you have as much written details as possible. Most companies regretably expect & hope that employees just accept their fate.


I did admit the offence, but she lied in her statement and added other words I never said. It says in the findings that there are no independent witnesses, I was almost sure that my colleagues would not lie about me. She said that I chose the time where there are no witnesses, this will give you an idea about the evil woman I am dealing with.

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