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Model boss? treat people how you expect to be treated, nobody has the authority to shout at you.


If you have issues with your boss there are ways to sort them and swearing at them is not one of them. Nor is threatening them with blackmail if they report you for swearing that's an absolutely disgraceful thing to do

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Model boss? treat people how you expect to be treated, nobody has the authority to shout at you.


You're dead right. No they don't, and there are legitimate ways you can address such workplace problems. But making up serious and potentially damaging lies about your boss to get out of a spot of bother? Pathetic.

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That's appalling and amounts to blackmail, how do you sleep at night? you were in wrong- you should think about the fact that people do suffer abuse at work but don't get believed because other people make up lies to get themselves out of self inflicted situation:rant::rant: You'll get caught out


Meh, Ive now got his job.

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You're dead right. No they don't, and there are legitimate ways you can address such workplace problems. But making up serious and potentially damaging lies about your boss to get out of a spot of bother? Pathetic.


Yes damaging to the abuser, which i have no problem with. Do whatevers necessary to claim justice.

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Meh, Ive now got his job.


So not only do you stoop so low as to try and blackmail the poor guy, you're also a creep. Then you come on here and think it's something to be ;proud of, I'm glad I don't work with you I'd have to watch my back all the time:D:D

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Guys, i want to thank you all for your help, keep discussing the issue, it does help me, it is a well appreciated support.


What you won't get of me is "lies", I do have my integrity and my dignity, you might think I don't, because of me swearing at my Manager, I do regreat in hindsight. Although "use your mind" is a very insulting to me, and she may recognise it is a stupid mistake she made because she always commented on my brilliant work, and was told I am very clever as individual, I am not going to be arrogant about it, but I am academically a lot more qualified that she is by miles.

In the hearing, I will say it as it is, and if the investigator(s) has a bit of common sense and logic, they may see things in perspective and weigh the situation accordingly, the Manager is evil in my mind (not to excuse my reaction). She lied in the past and she won't get me doing the same, I commen sense will eventually prevail, emerging from this victoriouse or destroyed will only make me stronger and dignified, I'd rather stick with my dignity intact, and let Karma do its tric.

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So not only do you stoop so low as to try and blackmail the poor guy, you're also a creep. Then you come on here and think it's something to be ;proud of, I'm glad I don't work with you I'd have to watch my back all the time:D:D


No backbone. Id just simply fire you.

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