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Thank you - good samaritan

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Would just like to say big thank you to the kind driver of white 4 X 4 who stopped to help when we got stuck in flood on Newhall road about 4pm yesterday. He towed us to filling station on Carlisle street. We are so grateful and we are glad to know there are stll caring people about:clap::clap:

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Thats brill that you got help..im really confused though, I have seen no flood?? I saw some nasty looking clouds, then I went into a supermarket, when I came out the clouds were nice again and the floor was dry. Then I went on facebook later on and every status was about peoples windows shaking, flooded gardens, and how loud the thunder was:huh: Later the other half went to his friends house and witnessed for himself one mess of a flooded garden... I dont understand.:|

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Would just like to say big thank you to the kind driver of white 4 X 4 who stopped to help when we got stuck in flood on Newhall road about 4pm yesterday. He towed us to filling station on Carlisle street. We are so grateful and we are glad to know there are stll caring people about:clap::clap:


After your bad luck the other week with your car tyres denlin it is good that someone came along to help restore the balance. (Lovely to meet you last Monday by the way :)).

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Thats brill that you got help..im really confused though, I have seen no flood?? I saw some nasty looking clouds, then I went into a supermarket, when I came out the clouds were nice again and the floor was dry. Then I went on facebook later on and every status was about peoples windows shaking, flooded gardens, and how loud the thunder was:huh: Later the other half went to his friends house and witnessed for himself one mess of a flooded garden... I dont understand.:|


There are a few streets in Sheffield that flood if it so much as clouds over, AS:-


the bit under the railway bridges at Heeley, for one, and the one under the railway bridge over Upwell street, between Grimesthorpe and the 'Cliffe.


I was at the Lane for the footy, yesterday, when the rain came down.


It came down in absolute buckets, and then turned to hail, I got a photo of one of the hailstones which were massive, they were bouncing up off the pitch to about 10-12 inches.


it didn't last long, about 20 minutes, I suppose, but it was horrible while it lasted!

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After your bad luck the other week with your car tyres denlin it is good that someone came along to help restore the balance. (Lovely to meet you last Monday by the way :)).


Thanks everybody and thanks Chims - it was good to meet you and all other forummers too, aand glad to see Peaches and Gavin back at meet:thumbsup::headbang:

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There are a few streets in Sheffield that flood if it so much as clouds over, AS:-


the bit under the railway bridges at Heeley, for one, and the one under the railway bridge over Upwell street, between Grimesthorpe and the 'Cliffe.


I was at the Lane for the footy, yesterday, when the rain came down.


It came down in absolute buckets, and then turned to hail, I got a photo of one of the hailstones which were massive, they were bouncing up off the pitch to about 10-12 inches.


it didn't last long, about 20 minutes, I suppose, but it was horrible while it lasted!

Yep I lived on Woodseats rd a few yrs back and if it rained bad, the water was to the top of the cellar steps, it was mad, but yesterdays events have taken me suprise because I saw nothing and no signs of anything either.. weird..


Hail stones!!! There wasnt even so much as a damp floor where I was.

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