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Why do people who made a lot of money under Labour criticise them so much?

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Not so simple. Many of the people who benefitted from PFI for instance will have been in the building trades. They may have used their income to put down the deposit on a house or something else that has given them long term spending commitments. With the reduction in the amount of building going on at the moment, and a consequent reduction in their incomes, they may be already struggling to keep up with their repayments.


This is my point, whoever is in Government will lay down the legislation that determines how succesful people can/will be. The last Government set the legislation that determined a lot of building work was generated and these people did very well, this Government appears to be taking a different viewpoint which will affect the people you mention negatively.


So going back to my point, those that did well during the last Government shouldn't really be complaining about them, yet a lot of them are.

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Perhaps its due to the government building up £1.3 trillion of debt that we will all have to pay for.


But that is complete nonsense!


If this person is worth a lot more than he/she was before then they can afford to pay their share of the debt, or alterantively they can move to another country taking their newly found wealth with them.

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But that is complete nonsense!


If this person is worth a lot more than he/she was before then they can afford to pay their share of the debt, or alterantively they can move to another country taking their newly found wealth with them.


But the only wealth most people have is the value of their home. The Labour government set of a spiral of house price inflation which when it burst caused much of the toxic debt that brought down the banks.

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As I run my own business, any money or success I've had is down to me, not Gordon Brown. In fact, given that most of my competition is now based in India and NuLabia's record of embracing globalism, I'd say they hindered me, rather than helped.


As Spike Milligan once said in an awards acceptance speech, "I did this all myself with no help from anyone".


I don't claim any benefits, so how have they helped me there?

"Employment legislation is strangling small businesses"


Does that help me? No.


Between 1999 and 2007 house prices have shot up in the biggest housing bubble in UK history. How did that help me? And how did it help those who signed themselves up to a lifetime of debt servitude in order to "get onto the ladder".


I tell you what, why don't we ask Gordon "I will not let house prices get out of control" Brown?






What a berk!



I'm a saver. Interest rates under NuLabia went from positive (higher than the rate of inflation) to negative. Anyone earning say 1% or 2% in today's 4/5% inflation environment is losing money every day. Thankfully I buy gold, something Gordon Brown sold off at the low of the low prices, costing the UK billions.


Gold hits all-time high of $1,500 an ounce (which means the amount Gordon flogged for £2bn would today fetch £13 BILLION)


(What an economic "genius" :rolleyes: )


Secondly, any money I made by my own efforts has to be offset against my increased share of the massively swollen national debt, currently £200,000 just for those born this year.


What NuLabia failed to understand is this: Debt is not Wealth.


I can’t be bothered to say all that again so I’ll just agree with you.

I’ve got what I’ve got despite the Government not because of them.

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This is my point, whoever is in Government will lay down the legislation that determines how succesful people can/will be. The last Government set the legislation that determined a lot of building work was generated and these people did very well, this Government appears to be taking a different viewpoint which will affect the people you mention negatively.

The actions of one government have effects on next government. The last government borrowed a lot of money and made spending commitments beyond what the country could afford. I'm sure the current government would love to just forget about that and wipe the debt off. Unfortunately it doesn't work like that and the money needs to be paid back.


If someone goes mad with their credit cards in Meadowhall they have to pay the money back eventually. That might mean they can't have a holiday for a few years.


The previous Labour government are in the fortunate position of being able to leave the unpleasant paying back bit to the current government. It's not unreasonable for people to criticize the previous government for getting us into such debt.

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