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Is anyone else looking forward to the Royal Wedding?

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The American media have gone bersek over the affair. It's on every channel, London swarming with American reporters. There was even an interview with some London debutante type at the Dorchester hotel on the art of tea drinking.

Tea bags definitely not the thing. Loose leaves only and the cup to be held delicately between two fingers while drinking.


I am shocked out of my mind. Here's me using Lipton teabags for the past 4 decades and drinking from a large mug clenched in my ham sized fist.


I see that a little more decorum is needed and very much overdue.

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The American media have gone bersek over the affair. It's on every channel, London swarming with American reporters.


I spotted that. I noticed the New York Times has upped its estimate of the number who will watch the wedding to 2.5 billion. It's absolutely astonishing.




For by Friday morning at 10 a.m., the real royal wedding will have taken over in cyberspace. Live-streamed on YouTube and the official royal Web site, Ms. Middleton will reveal to an estimated 2.5 billion global viewers the secret she is determined to keep: her wedding dress.

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I spotted that. I noticed the New York Times has upped its estimate of the number who will watch the wedding to 2.5 billion. It's absolutely astonishing.




For by Friday morning at 10 a.m., the real royal wedding will have taken over in cyberspace. Live-streamed on YouTube and the official royal Web site, Ms. Middleton will reveal to an estimated 2.5 billion global viewers the secret she is determined to keep: her wedding dress.



It will be 1:00 AM in my part of the world when the ceremonies start. I wont be losing any sleep staying up to watch it but will Tivo it instead

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It will be 1:00 AM in my part of the world when the ceremonies start. I wont be lossing any sleep staying up to watch it but will Tivo it instead


I do that with Grand Prix racing, but when I get up I have to be careful not to overhear the result. That probably isn't going to be a problem with a wedding...is it?:hihi:

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On the Lunchtime news on the Beeb, somebody said there were TEN THOUSAND journo's attending. That's a lot of beer trade for local pubs (not to mention 'evening trade' for other people working as tradespeople. ;)


They showed some photographs of what appeared to be bodged-together 'el cheapo' green boxes. Apparently they are 'temporary studios' and visiting TV companies can hire one for a mere £60,000.:hihi:


I suspect that a lot of people are going to make a lot of money out of it.


I read one estimate (a while ago) which suggested that total outlay for the wedding would be £1.5 Billion. Another said it is expected to bring in £6.5 billion.


Not a bad return on investment.

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aged 13, I was in the US last time there was a royal wedding on this scale in 1981. The news networks went nuts over it then and I'm not surprised if they're going nuts about it now too.


to give people some idea of what a highly successful global brand the UK monarchy is, the wedding is being televised live - during early evening and evening prime time - in the Philippines, this is a Catholic country with no links at all to the UK and whose former coloniser, Spain, has a monarchy of its own, whose princes and princesses get married same as UK ones do, only nobody in the Philippines is the slightest bit interested, and these events are not televised. It is believed around 20 million Filipinos, 1 in 5 of the inhabitants, will be watching.

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I do that with Grand Prix racing, but when I get up I have to be careful not to overhear the result. That probably isn't going to be a problem with a wedding...is it?:hihi:



Not unless Kate leaves him standing at the altar is what you're saying? :hihi:

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