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Prodigy , Tupac , Robbie Williams talk about the Illuminati

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You would think that, by now, someone would have explained to truthlogic that "illuminati" means "leading lights." People refer to the leading lights of their profession all the time...


No north you are the first person to say that on sf


Why would you assume any other usename would have said it ?


I'm sure you can't read each others mind ? Lol



May be at the next dictionary update they will update the word illuminati to include your description ,

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pyramid with all seeing eye looking over the world -


you can't deny it !!!!


You are with the new world order !!!!


Illuminati !!!!!!!!


Rant rant ignore responses rant rant divert rant rant make flimsy connections based on youtube clips rant rant !!!!!

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A American agency set up after 9/11


But, but 9/11. That's the same as the number used to call the emergency services in the US :o That proves it - the NWO / Illumaniti exist and they wear fireman's outfits for their unspeakable secret rites, like summoning aircraft shaped demons to demolish the twin towers :o *


*Hey, it's a more coherent link than that provided by either the youtube vids or truthlogic

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