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Prodigy , Tupac , Robbie Williams talk about the Illuminati

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Your quote " child killers are not evil "


Wow! That was original. I absolutely did *not*expect that response...


I am shocked by the detail of your well thought out response. It was the perfect reply to my comment.


Although, let's be honest, that's only my quote in Grosslogic's twisted world and was certainly never typed by me!


I am not sure why you're still bringing a comment from weeks ago that you never understood at the time; it's just making you look Exceptionally foolish...

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The problem is, he starts these threads regularly and doesn't give any hard factual evidence of anything. It's difficult to discuss or debate when there's nothing to discuss or debate. Also, Truthlogic rarely answers any questions asked of him, choosing instead to divert and use lots of exclaimation marks.


The point of the Forum is to discuss and debate.


This is your chance to prove it then, let's see if you can.


Got any good photos or articles that prove this?


Which ever way you try to spin bohemian grove it will always look like rich men( Inc presidents ) burning effigys of children and screaming !


Your lack of understanding of the world is tragically limited...


You have clearly never heard of Primal Therapy; in particular Screaming Therapy. I've done it myself; it's awesome - mind you, I'm pretty sure you've never been under the massive pressures of someone in high-powered positions, so, to someone so callow, I can see how this would all look "frightening"!


But, feel free to ignore the truth...


Your quote " child killers are not evil "


It's because he likes to divert.

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as far as my knowledge goes, the illuminati/enlightened ones were a bunch of scientists that started questioning how things worked. at the time the world was run by religious fanatics who didnt want their gods questioning, and would kill these people as witches and disbelievers. there is no religion, science is understanding, but also science will come back round and be the anti-christ. America is funding all the black budget with money gained through terrorism, drugs, war. take 9/11 for example, where did the 160 billion in gold disappear to? why are they so keen to keep the opium fields going in afghanistan?going back to the science related part, why was grandad bush so keen to get all the german scientists back to the states after the war??? tesla has alot to answer for to with one of the yanks ultimate weapons (HAARP) it looks like the scientists of the world are going to show god who is god. also if you believe they have also cracked anti matter and they are actually flying around in planes that are powered by it (aurora) not that this would ever be proved. people really do need to open their eyes to all the things that are going on but if they actually did then maybe they would be to scared to see what is really going on?? people are to quick to judge without looking at the facts, most of the facts are actually part of history...

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truthlogic i do not see why people are mocking you, my partner could sit talking for hours about the illuminati and new world order, he is that into it he reckons there is going to be some big world disaster on 21st december 2012 when the mayan calender ends, and that there are hidden underground bases for 33 degree masons such as jay-z believe it or not, all you have to do is listen to lyrics and see the symbolism on his cd cases, but that is besides the point. you other people need to open your eyes to what is staring you in the face, maybe nothing will happen next year, but i firmly believe that the governtments of all countries are hiding quite alot from the general public, such as america with the roswell incident. if there is nothing out there then why to this day if people go anywhere near the place they are immediatly going to be shot? why are the people that speak up when they find out knowledge "committing suicide" not long after? and the 9/11 bombings, i have a documentary on my computer that shows you what you think is the towers collapsing because of the planes, but in reality to sit and watch it, it definately looks like controlled demolition, i bet none of you knew that there was the second biggest load of gold (the first biggerst being fort knox) underneath the towers, well it strangely went missing on 9/11. open your eyes and see it all for yourselves, dont just judge other people without actually looking into it a little bit yourselves, everybody has there own beliefs.


as far as my knowledge goes, the illuminati/enlightened ones were a bunch of scientists that started questioning how things worked. at the time the world was run by religious fanatics who didnt want their gods questioning, and would kill these people as witches and disbelievers. there is no religion, science is understanding, but also science will come back round and be the anti-christ. America is funding all the black budget with money gained through terrorism, drugs, war. take 9/11 for example, where did the 160 billion in gold disappear to? why are they so keen to keep the opium fields going in afghanistan?going back to the science related part, why was grandad bush so keen to get all the german scientists back to the states after the war??? tesla has alot to answer for to with one of the yanks ultimate weapons (HAARP) it looks like the scientists of the world are going to show god who is god. also if you believe they have also cracked anti matter and they are actually flying around in planes that are powered by it (aurora) not that this would ever be proved. people really do need to open their eyes to all the things that are going on but if they actually did then maybe they would be to scared to see what is really going on?? people are to quick to judge without looking at the facts, most of the facts are actually part of history...


This sounds bad I know, but I don't even attempt to read posts like the above where the poster can't even be bothered to make it even a little bit readable! :(


John X

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May be at the next dictionary update they will update the word illuminati to include your description ,


Below is the OED definition:


illuminati /I%l(j)u;mI"nA;ti/

· pl. n. people claiming to possess special enlightenment or knowledge.


So it means anyone that claims to have special enlightenment or knowledge is a member of the illuminati (doctors, teachers, engineers, scientists - in fact almost anyone can be classed as a member of the illuminati).


Are you going to answer the question in post#52 ?


Maybe he thinks the question is of the variety he mentioned a little earlier:


I only avoid silly questions or set up questions which Get me banned


what is it exactly that is so hard to read???


Lack of sentences and paragraphs?


As it is, it just looks like a random stream of text that is almost illegible (I do not wish to have to decipher something before I can read it).

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what is it exactly that is so hard to read???


Mainly the fact that it is one, long unpunctuated block of text. :o


The point I was making was that if you can't be arsed to put some effort into writing your posts then I can't be arsed reading them. You'll find that a lot of people on here feel the same.


John X

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Maybe he thinks the question is of the variety he mentioned a little earlier


In that case I will rephrase it slightly:


Truthlogic, can you provide ANY evidence (NOT related to Alex Jones or conspiracy theories about Bohemian Grove) that shows Molloch being represented by an owl?


I really don't understand why you insist on making claims without backing them up, it just makes you look foolish and discredits you more each time.


people are to quick to judge without looking at the facts, most of the facts are actually part of history...


That is the problem with most conspiracy theorists, they judge without looking at the FACTS. They seem to confuse SUGGESTIONS with FACTS, automatically believing many SUGGESTIONS without question, but refusing to even consider any FACTUAL evidence given if it is to the contrary.


I think another problem is that some people just love a good conspiracy theory, whether there is any evidence or not.


If Truthlogic actually gave some FACTUAL evidence once in a while, people might not ridicule him, and we could actually discuss/debate it. Instead he just dodges any request to back up his claims.

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