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Was communism right to suppress religion ?

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Was the soviet union and china right to supress the idea of region in thier society's !


This question goes out to those who vigrosuly defend secualrism and athesism on the net , who think they are in a majority when in fact they are a world minority !

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This question goes out to those who vigrosuly defend secualrism and athesism on the net !


You can believe in something without wishing to force it down people's throats. Something fundamentalist religious fruitcakes can never quite see.


Those like Copernicus who advocated a heliocentric cosmology were in even more of a minority than atheists ever have been. And yet, they were the ones who had the right answer all along.


From his observations he theorized that the earth, rather than standing still, rotated around its axis daily and traveled around the sun yearly -- resurrecting what had been known among Hellenistic intellectuals in ancient times. The Catholic Church and Martin Luther, more common in brain power, considered themselves better informed on the matter than Copernicus, Luther describing Copernicus as an "upstart astrologer " trying to be clever, and the Church claiming that it was common sense that it was the earth that stood still.



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With out googling it , you mean doing the same but in a more subltle manner ?


Not really, Copernicus could have been as subtle as he liked, and though having certain influential people onside he was always on a hiding to nothing, not because he couldn't back up his "theories" but because in those times your neck was on the line in a way we can't comprehend now, if you get me.

The right to appeal in those times was nothing more than a couple of days stay of execution, he was lucky to live as long as he did.

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In Russia it seemed to be appropriate at the time. Very rich Church, population in poverty, priests opposing communist views. I dont think religion had much to do with it, more like the control over the people. In China its similar in the fact that the government dosn't want any opposition or critisism be it from a church or anyone else.

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In Russia it seemed to be appropriate at the time. Very rich Church, population in poverty, priests opposing communist views. I dont think religion had much to do with it, more like the control over the people. In China its similar in the fact that the government dosn't want any opposition or critisism be it from a church or anyone else.


Quite so; communism is not opposed to religion in principle, but it is opposed in practice, because any form of religion involves subservience to something other than the communist authority, and that cannot be permitted.

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