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For the person who grocery shops

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For a family of 3, thats 2 adults, one teenage boy, what would / do you spend weekly on shopping for food?

Thats fresh fruit, bread, fresh chicken, fresh veg, mince, tinned foods, house hold cleaning products, toilet products & toiletires etc all in one weekly shop?

Not scrimping, but not going over board either but, taking into consideration of travelling, parking. what do you or would you expect to spend for everything that family need in a week?

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From over here some of these amounts seem a lot of money. Your prices must be higher than ours.... how do OAPs manage ..

Petrol has got up all over I guess.. here it's $1. 23 a litre so roughly just over $6.00 CA a galleon. But I guess we have to drive more mileage.. to get places..

The sea is so far away for me... not like a trip to Whitby.

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