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Ten commandments re-written;

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That's not what you claimed I said though.

yes you are right your exact copy and pasted words were : " I like how he says it as though we should spend our time "researching" into his claims."

post 123


meaning you dont think it correct to research a subject which you have clearly spent hours talking about,


You mean the picture I had to show you?.


the wiki link i sent also had a picture of the stone tablet


the very first link to the funky youtube vid also has pictures of the stone tablet we have been discussing. all showing the inscriptions we have been banging on about,


so again you failed to watch the vid or read the wiki link ,



None of which actually showed the inscription we were talking about.


You're quite obviously a child or immature teen. There's no point in this thread. I'm tempted put forward a case in your favour just to make the thread usable. For now, I'm out.


root im sorry that you find it so hard to admit you were wrong about something so trivial! i relay am. like i said next time watch the whole link before jumping to conclusions.



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Well this is an unexpected turn of events... trithlogic not understanding what people are talking about...


Truthyboy - you've presented the argument - it's up to you and you alone to provide the evidence to back up your case. Even more so if you want to convince others of wrongdoing. Oh, and it's your responsibility, as the proponent of the argument, to answer questions on the subject.


Both things you have failed to do 99.99% of the time on all of your threads.


its quite simple and admittedly quite trivial what is being debated


may be you also failed to read the entire thread?


r c christian was a pseudo used to make the stones.


root had a hard time accepting the name was a fake and demanded proof,


the proof was at the start of the thread and the middle and any were you searched the "guidestones"



so tell me which part have i failed to understand?

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You do know that the answer is an anagram of "Robert C Christian" I take it?


No I dont please tell me ,


By the way r Christian has written a book about the stones ,


Let me give you a abstract -


“New Rational World Order” where an extraordinarily invasive form of eugenics is enforced by the State.


His book is called -Common Sense Renewed

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No I dont please tell me ,


By the way r Christian has written a book about the stones ,


Let me give you a abstract -


“New Rational World Order” where an extraordinarily invasive form of eugenics is enforced by the State.


His book is called -Common Sense Renewed


You still need to deal with my question of a page or so ago - the 'so what' question.


Nobody follows the 'rules' set on the stones, their origin is definitely human, so err, so what?

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Would it get discussed ! Lol what do you think ?


Of coarse it would get talked about ! Is that a serious question ? Or are you just putting it forward to try and make your self belive that the guidestones are NOT important ?

Of course they aren't important.


Cyclone wim spend say £500,000 on a giant stone monument ,

Set it up in secret

Have new rules which imply genocide , and other disturbing world rules

And no one will blink a eye lid ?

Why should they, any nut can chisel whatever 'rules' they like, doesn't mean anyone is taking any notice.


Are you serious or do you need to look into what is being discussed a little deeper first ?

No, I don't believe I do. These stones have no relevance to me at all, and your particular 'genocide' interpretation is not very interesting.



I wonder why no one is has even attempted to discuss any of the 10 commandments ?

Because no one actually cares.

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Yes i have not send they are evil , but do belive they are , you have failed to engage in with me to discuss the 10 points ,

As usual you ignored questions in post #130

Your first hurdle was unable to Reserch what was written on all the stones,
As everyone keeps telling you, it's not our place to research an unfounded claim. You still don't get how a discussion works.


Yes reducing the population to 500 million would involve some serious evil undertakings !
Or birth control over a long period of time.


I also don't like being called a cancer on this earth !

Where has anyone called you a cancer?

But I guess you guys fail to even comprehend what the 10 points mean !
Go on, do tell us.


It's not hard thinking back root , just raise your glances to the above few threads !



U asked for evidence I gave you a wiki link and other vids which you clearly failed to read and watch !



You clearly don't Reserch what you debate which I must say is very foolish ,


And the foolishness is covered up by then claiming " I don't care "


Well sir if you don't care why spend hours posting on a thread which you don't know nothing about and don't have any concern over it ?


I haven't claimed I don't care.




You have this terrible habit of claiming people have said things then change your claim when asked to prove it. Also you seem to think that by people asking you for proof that they are "refusing to believe you". I hadn't read the wiki link until about halfway through, saw the inscription description but still couldn't find any actual proof of it, which made me wonder why you were so convinced of it. Eventually when I Google Image searched it I found some proof, which you didn't bother with.


SO come on, let's discuss the stones, starting with post #130.

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Yes i have not send they are evil , but do belive they are , you have failed to engage in with me to discuss the 10 points ,


You go on and ON about evil, but do you have any conception of what that means? Don't need to respond, I know the answer...


I also don't like being called a cancer on this earth !


Well, I'd say 'blight', but if the cap fits...


Actually, here's the definition: "Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems."


Sounds about right, actually. You spread falsehoods and corruption in the name of truth and this can spread to others, thus the cycle of brainwashing continues... You're only happy when you're crowing about some doom or other, rather than focussing on the good in the world.

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. I hadn't read the wiki link until about halfway through, saw the inscription description but still couldn't find any actual proof of it, which made me wonder why you were so convinced of it. Eventually when I Google Image searched it I found some proof, which you didn't bother with.



so its my fault you FAILED to notice the pictures of the stone on the wiki link i gave you? did you check the wiki references? i bet no!



you falsely claimed you watched the vid , as if you did we would not be having the conversation as the vid also shows the granite slab and its inscriptions,



you need to start by admitting you were wrong to discuss this without even bothering to watch or read the evidence,


but i guess evidence for you is only acceptable in pictorial format?

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