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Ten commandments re-written;

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I think you've just proven everything people have been saying about Youtube - putting forward an unsourced and unevidenced theory as if it was fact.


pass the salt please........

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If I erect the obelisk in Hillsborough park as I suggested will you accept what I write on the side of it? (It may call into question your sanity).


no you claimed if you erected the same structure no one would be bothered !


i and even Longcol agreed it would indeed by a massive talking point!

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Thanks but I think I'll pass. I don't see what the big deal is, and have little interest.


From watching the first couple of minutes it has re-enforced my opinion that the History channel really sucks these days.


All you get is world war 2 over and over again with the odd conspiracy program and reality tv show thrown in for some bizarre reason.


its called propaganda,


and the history channel is know for it,


for example we get pro freemason documentaries shown both sides of the pond after Dan Browns best seller was released ,


and yes we always have weak shows trying to discredit conspiracy's.

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Okay we're getting somewhere. Now, without me having to read through your website link or vids, can you show me why you think he is the one, and also why you are not happy with him?


Simple cut and pastes will do (of the relative parts only).





yes Root , i gathered taht ONLY pictures can teach or learn you.


keep watching... ;)

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Because absolutely anyone, including loonies can and do post pretty much whatever they want to YouTube. In much the same way as anyone can edit a Wikpedia article.


Scientific evidence requires it be peer reviewed and corraborated, not the ramblings of some psychedelic drug frazzled nutcase.


ahh pear reviewed?


how about scientist finding thermite in the 911 trade c Dust?


The Open Chemical Physics Journal


ISSN: 1874-4125






or does Video Pro require a pior reviewed paper on the Gergio Guide stones?


or do you require a paper on Bohmeian Grove?


as photos , vids are not evidence for people like this!

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Keep up Bulgarian! My point was that ALL Youtube videos should not be dismissed as false because they come from the same database.


right listen to this dabuckle


any one can make a youtube vid so we have to be skeptical when we are shown evidence of mock child sacrifices say at bohmeian grove,



but when the bbc shows something say a bin laden tape it must be true?!


these people choose to be Ignorant because they are afraid of the truth


in their world they can not accept CNN would lie to them




remember during war the media is on overdrive creating fake stories with actors


great example BBC in Libya using a paid actor claiming to be a doctor in Misrata

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Actually, no, you're spreading half-truths and lies, and worse, you're doing your damnedest to spread a net of fear as far and wide as you possibly can.


If this is your 'truth' then I'll see you a healthy dose of reality and I'll be happy to live in blissful ignorance.



Karis is a great example of some one afraid of the real truth.


no one has spread any hate or lies or fear!


for all the above switch on your TV!

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what a strange question,


do i relay care what you believe halibut?


i had a awfull awfull hard time accepting that the old Eldgar £20 notes had 666 printed on them


So, my last visa card had 666 in its sequence of numbers. Doesn't mean I'm touch by Satan or that I'm part of his evil army.

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So your admitting that Truthlogic has enlightened you regarding this subject about a monument in the state of Georgia US???


no i have not enlighten Bulgarian, he just one of those avatars who follows me every were -


only one here was flaming jimmy who did not know about the stones


and when he suggested that thanks to me he now knows about the monument , the usual suspects jumped on him!

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