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Ten commandments re-written;

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every time you get a typo it's because the iphone is sending info to "them" about where you are.


I saw a youtube video about it.


ive hacked ( jail break ) my i phone, i dont like how apple try to limit its potential


my location services are off , and im wearing my tin hat!


so no one knows were i am !


sorry got to go cuz mum wants the comp!



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If the history channel dedicated a whole episode on the subject why do you think it should not be discussed on sf ?


Oh I'm all for discussion, just not with a bunch of people who can't distinguish fact from fiction, or who wouldn't recognize sanity if it jumped up and bit them. Let's just put things into perspective, you're the guy who continually says I promote child killing (bizarrely that statement gets more outrageous with each new telling). I imagine you're a child, as this all seems like a game to you. You probably don't have a job and have way too much time on your hands. And life hasn't yet taught you the ability to separate what's important from what is a complete waste of time.


If you believe in all this stuff, that's fine. But passing it off as fact is just plain wrong. It's a shame really as I'm sure you people have proper places to discuss your ludicrous nonsense.


You make a comment on day and the ignore it or contradict it the next. Why is that? You can't even get your most basic of facts straight. You go on about evil and the Bible then the next day it's irrelevant to you...


If people wonder why I'm taking this so seriously and behaving out of character by being so confrontational, it's because you guys are dangerous. You take things way too far and way too seriously, you've no concept of when to stop and the lies you sew can be dangerous to weak minds.


I'd love to see you banned from the forum for the thinly veiled trolls you are, but I guess that's not going to happen...


I could stop posting, but then there'd be one less voice to unmask the insanity that is 99% of your posts.

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Oh I'm all for discussion, just not with a bunch of people who can't distinguish fact from fiction, or who wouldn't recognize sanity if it jumped up and bit them. Let's just put things into perspective, you're the guy who continually says I promote child killing (bizarrely that statement gets more outrageous with each new telling). I imagine you're a child, as this all seems like a game to you. You probably don't have a job and have way too much time on your hands. And life hasn't yet taught you the ability to separate what's important from what is a complete waste of time.


If you believe in all this stuff, that's fine. But passing it off as fact is just plain wrong. It's a shame really as I'm sure you people have proper places to discuss your ludicrous nonsense.


You make a comment on day and the ignore it or contradict it the next. Why is that? You can't even get your most basic of facts straight. You go on about evil and the Bible then the next day it's irrelevant to you...


If people wonder why I'm taking this so seriously and behaving out of character by being so confrontational, it's because you guys are dangerous. You take things way too far and way too seriously, you've no concept of when to stop and the lies you sew can be dangerous to weak minds.


I'd love to see you banned from the forum for the thinly veiled trolls you are, but I guess that's not going to happen...


I could stop posting, but then there'd be one less voice to unmask the insanity that is 99% of your posts.



Karis / Jane or what ever you wish to call your self , why do u call me a troll ? I have only ever once posted on your thread and that was to give you some sound business advice which you clearly was in the need of.


Yes we have issues because you follow me around like a lost puppy ,


If you wish to resolve the proff Brian issue please set up a thread were it can be discussed ,


And as for not considering child killers not evil , yes that is only your opinion ( thank fully )



Back to the topic you suggested the subject was not important , I pointed out that a international channel such as the history has reported on it so why can't we discuss it also ?


Getting rid of 6.5 billion people on the planet will require some evil planning which ever way you look at it ,


And I'm sorry you get scared when you read my posts , "our" intentions are never to scare but to spread the truth which once realised is liberating not scary at all ,


Take care and pm me if you wish to get your self on the first page of google for your toy website ,

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