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What do you think of Sheffield's black cabs?


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With 857 cabs ,as opposed to the previous 300 it is way easier to get a cab in the city centre.the only time we get pushed is about 1am sat night(sun) and even then if you know the right places to flag you'll get 1 within minutes.

As to being pricey,well thats debateble and always has been.For 1 person a cab has always been dear but,get 2,3,4,5 and your laughing.

Private hire cheaper?,well that depends on the driver and who you are,after all you are running blind!. If you are a young girl late at night or an out of towner going to the arena then they are prime targets for the unscrupoulus amongst ph or hacks with rented radios.

Quite a few years ago I rented a ph radio,I could'nt undersand why the regulars were insisting on giving me 4 pounds when the fare was 3.50,then I spoke to the other drivers and realised all the drivers were fiddling,leaving the customers assuming the higher price was the correct fare!.

All these type of shennanigans are not my scene,plus Im not giving a man with a big fat cigar 90 odd pounds a week!.

As for cabs taking you the long way round then,speak up,get a receipt and his number and inform the licensing.If you don't speak up then how can the authorites catch them?.Hopefully they are in the minority but,it does happen.

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With 857 cabs ,as opposed to the previous 300 it is way easier to get a cab in the city centre.the only time we get pushed is about 1am sat night(sun) and even then if you know the right places to flag you'll get 1 within minutes.

As to being pricey,well thats debateble and always has been.For 1 person a cab has always been dear but,get 2,3,4,5 and your laughing.

Private hire cheaper?,well that depends on the driver and who you are,after all you are running blind!. If you are a young girl late at night or an out of towner going to the arena then they are prime targets for the unscrupoulus amongst ph or hacks with rented radios.

Quite a few years ago I rented a ph radio,I could'nt undersand why the regulars were insisting on giving me 4 pounds when the fare was 3.50,then I spoke to the other drivers and realised all the drivers were fiddling,leaving the customers assuming the higher price was the correct fare!.

All these type of shennanigans are not my scene,plus Im not giving a man with a big fat cigar 90 odd pounds a week!.

As for cabs taking you the long way round then,speak up,get a receipt and his number and inform the licensing.If you don't speak up then how can the authorites catch them?.Hopefully they are in the minority but,it does happen.


a private hire cab from thorpe hesley to west street for £9.50 but the same journey back in a black cab cost just under £20?

i do this journey most saturday nights si i no its not just a one of with the fares from the private hire cabs, some of the private cabs in rotherham have meters fitted.

my wife also has the same problem with getting to and from Meadowhall around £4.50 in a private hire to get there and around £8 in a black cab.


i also got a private hire from kimberworth to the old rotherham football ground recently for £2 on a sat night in a private cab, i would have paid more than that before the meter even started in a black cab

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I dont dispute that ph are generally cheaper if they don't fiddle but,then I would rather take home a decent wage rather than struggle with my bills,would'nt you?.If that guy can do it economically for 9 quid then good luck to him!.Ask him to do it on saturday night and from meadowhall,he must be either a fool or a diamond especially with fuel costs going thru the roof!.

a private hire cab from thorpe hesley to west street for £9.50 but the same journey back in a black cab cost just under £20?

i do this journey most saturday nights si i no its not just a one of with the fares from the private hire cabs, some of the private cabs in rotherham have meters fitted.

my wife also has the same problem with getting to and from Meadowhall around £4.50 in a private hire to get there and around £8 in a black cab.


i also got a private hire from kimberworth to the old rotherham football ground recently for £2 on a sat night in a private cab, i would have paid more than that before the meter even started in a black cab

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I dont dispute that ph are generally cheaper if they don't fiddle but,then I would rather take home a decent wage rather than struggle with my bills,would'nt you?.If that guy can do it economically for 9 quid then good luck to him!.Ask him to do it on saturday night and from meadowhall,he must be either a fool or a diamond especially with fuel costs going thru the roof!.


as said i do this journey most saturday nights from thorpe hesley which is further than meadowhall to west st, not once in what must be 30 times or more have i paid more than £10. some of the private hire cars in rotherham have a meter fitted so not much chance that they can fiddle it, i would say £10 for a 15 min trip around 8 miles sounds ok.

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i agree with a lot of comments made, they are too expensive, you can fone a private company and save a fiver!! plus they need sat navs and its annoyng that you have to keep shouting through the glass coz they are on the fone of got radio on too loud!! i understand they have them for safety but just annoying!

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hey dongle,why do you keep getting a black cab from sheff To thorpe hesley when you can get a cheaper ph?. Is it because he(they) are suddenly unavailable?


at 2.30am on a sat/sun morning its hard to get a rotherham taxi in sheffield city centre,although i do sometimes manage a city ph taxi which normally are booked thats why i use a black cab.

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I was in a black cab once and the guy proceded to go and buy a kebab so I had to wait 5 mins for that, then he stopped for petrol en route. Like bus drivers, they tend to begrudge their job and are often ignorant. PH are cleaner, comfyer, much cheaper and much friendlier.

No offence to the black cab driver - i'm sure you're a good un.

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