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Irish Minister: Israeli blockade of Gaza 'absolutely unacceptable'

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In 1982 The Syrians slaughtered 20,000 Syrians, I suppose it's alright though because it's the Arabs who're commiting one of their regular attrocities Saddam was another Arab despot who caused over a million Arab deaths in his time in power, but all this is of no consequence because when a Arab Kills an Arab that's ok but if an Israeli kills an Arab terrorist, insurgent, suicide bomber, misslie firer all hell breaks loose on this forum.

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In 1982 The Syrians slaughtered 20,000 Syrians, I suppose it's alright though because it's the Arabs who're commiting one of their regular attrocities Saddam was another Arab despot who caused over a million Arab deaths in his time in power, but all this is of no consequence because when a Arab Kills an Arab that's ok but if an Israeli kills an Arab terrorist, insurgent, suicide bomber, misslie firer all hell breaks loose on this forum.


you speak the truth.

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Best not to mention Dimona and Israel's nuclear weapons, US military aid, unconditional US diplomatic support, access to US intel assets etc .
Israel is here and if the Arab world push them too far they'll see what happens as they always have done in the past when confronted with the useless Arabs.

When the Egyptian army fled in the 6 day war most of their kit was on sale in the Cairo markets soon after, that's Arabs for you whereas the israelis made use of anything that was salvageable including abandoned Arab equipment..

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The Middle East is the world's most volatile region. Its inhabitants experience some of the worst oppression in the world today. In the last 50 years, the Middle East has spent well over half a trillion US dollars in purchasing armaments. At least 12 million people have been killed or maimed in over a dozen Mideast wars. One out of every three barrels of oil sold by the Mideast has gone to pay for weapons.


In the Algerian civil war, Muslim extremists were on average murdering people at the rate of a thousand a week at one point. Schools were bombed, villages napalmed and forests destroyed. Not surprisingly, millions emigrated to Western Europe.


The 60 year confrontation between Israel and surrounding Arab nations has received most of the media coverage, and something like 99% of the coverage on internet forums like this. However, it is the ongoing conflict between the two main branches of Islam, the Sunni and the Shi’a, which actually is the source of most of the conflicts.


The contest between these rival forms of Islam, each vying for power and predominance has stimulated violent factions and intense intolerance of dissent.


Since 1948 the Arab world has suffered over 60 successful revolutions and getting up to 100 unsuccessful revolutions. Only one of the 21 Arab states – Lebanon – could, at one stage, be considered a true democracy. Virtually all the others had one party systems or dictatorships. In the Arab world, revolutions have been the most common means of attaining power and assassinations have been the most prevalent means of political expression. Since 1948, 36 Heads of State were murdered. In addition, more than 100 other major political assassinations have been recorded.


As far as diplomatic relations between Arab states go – there have been over 30 inter-Arab wars and civil wars since 1948. In the Yemen Civil war, Egypt used poison gas against Yemeni tribesmen and Iraq used chemical warfare against Kurdish civilians. At least 12 million people have been killed in these wars, only a small number of which had any sort of involvement with Israel at all and those wars were those with the smallest loss of life, compared to the real monsters like Algeria and the Iran-Iraq war.


the anti-Israel crowd aren't interested in any of this, despite their feigned and false 'solidarity' with the Arabs. Why should they be. They can't blame Israel for it.

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The Middle East is the world's most volatile region. Its inhabitants experience some of the worst oppression in the world today. In the last 50 years, the Middle East has spent well over half a trillion US dollars in purchasing armaments. At least 12 million people have been killed or maimed in over a dozen Mideast wars. One out of every three barrels of oil sold by the Mideast has gone to pay for weapons.


In the Algerian civil war, Muslim extremists were on average murdering people at the rate of a thousand a week at one point. Schools were bombed, villages napalmed and forests destroyed. Not surprisingly, millions emigrated to Western Europe.


The 60 year confrontation between Israel and surrounding Arab nations has received most of the media coverage, and something like 99% of the coverage on internet forums like this. However, it is the ongoing conflict between the two main branches of Islam, the Sunni and the Shi’a, which actually is the source of most of the conflicts.


The contest between these rival forms of Islam, each vying for power and predominance has stimulated violent factions and intense intolerance of dissent.


Since 1948 the Arab world has suffered over 60 successful revolutions and getting up to 100 unsuccessful revolutions. Only one of the 21 Arab states – Lebanon – could, at one stage, be considered a true democracy. Virtually all the others had one party systems or dictatorships. In the Arab world, revolutions have been the most common means of attaining power and assassinations have been the most prevalent means of political expression. Since 1948, 36 Heads of State were murdered. In addition, more than 100 other major political assassinations have been recorded.


As far as diplomatic relations between Arab states go – there have been over 30 inter-Arab wars and civil wars since 1948. In the Yemen Civil war, Egypt used poison gas against Yemeni tribesmen and Iraq used chemical warfare against Kurdish civilians. At least 12 million people have been killed in these wars, only a small number of which had any sort of involvement with Israel at all and those wars were those with the smallest loss of life, compared to the real monsters like Algeria and the Iran-Iraq war.


the anti-Israel crowd aren't interested in any of this, despite their feigned and false 'solidarity' with the Arabs. Why should they be. They can't blame Israel for it.


I wonder how this will go down with the anti everything but Arabs thread


This post ought to be saved and posted everytime the anti Israeli bleaters start an anti Israelis pro Arab thread.

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that's the nib of it. The anti-Israel crowd couldn't give two whatevers about the Arabs. They just seize whatever few opportunities they get to highlight what they perceive as being Arab 'grievances', in order to bash the Jews. What they would like to see is what hardly ever happens - the Israelis treating Arabs, like other other Arabs do. The average Israeli cares more for the Arabs than the western anti-Israeli internet crowd does, after all even if some of them are their enemies, they are also their neighbours, eat the same kind of food, speak the same kind of language, etc.

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Israel is here and if the Arab world push them too far they'll see what happens as they always have done in the past when confronted with the useless Arabs.

When the Egyptian army fled in the 6 day war most of their kit was on sale in the Cairo markets soon after, that's Arabs for you whereas the israelis made use of anything that was salvageable including abandoned Arab equipment..


It is true the Arabs have been pretty useless in wars with Israel however that is the reason the west are so cautious about the wind of change in the Arab world!!


With the Arab leaders that are in power in countries such as Yemen, Syria, Bahrain and even Gadaffi of Libyia the West (US) could always manipulate and bribe them in order to keep them quite about the Palestinian plight..


But now with change in Tunisia, Egypt and other Arab states it could be that the Arab people are sick of their leaders being puppets of the west and want to help the Palestinians !!

It explains why the US and Britian are slow in helping the rebels in Libya and dont want to help the rebels in Syria, Yemen or Bahrain because they are usure which side of the fence new governments will fall ???

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It is true the Arabs have been pretty useless in wars with Israel however that is the reason the west are so cautious about the wind of change in the Arab world!!


With the Arab leaders that are in power in countries such as Yemen, Syria, Bahrain and even Gadaffi of Libyia the West (US) could always manipulate and bribe them in order to keep them quite about the Palestinian plight..


But now with change in Tunisia, Egypt and other Arab states it could be that the Arab people are sick of their leaders being puppets of the west and want to help the Palestinians !!

It explains why the US and Britian are slow in helping the rebels in Libya and dont want to help the rebels in Syria, Yemen or Bahrain because they are usure which side of the fence new governments will fall ???


Precisely ! The pro Zionist West prefers the devil it knows.

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