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My Favourite Footballer

old tup

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My favorite owls player would have to be Jim McCalliog,never the quickest,but slick and stylish,with a great eye for goal,and a killer pass,just about edges out a certain Di Canio.

My favorite non owls player was without doubt,Georgie Best,a superb entertainer,an all round footballer,goals,skill,everything,theyd hack him down and hed just get up and carry on dribbling around them.An icon and a true football legend,once refered to as the "white pele" and rightly so,if i had the chance to watch him again tomorrow for one final time,id take it,no matter where he was playing.

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In the early eighties I think Bobby Charlton had an interest in a travel agency and their accountants had an office in the same building on Deansgate as the firm I was working for. One day Bobby came to see his accountant and he and I entered the lift together.

So there I was in a lift with Bobby Charlton. Just me and him. So what do you say to a sporting hero of his stature? Mention the World Cup? That famous 5-4 Wednesday win in 1968?

What did I say? ".....er, five please." :blush:

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Jim Hardie, I know just what you mean!! Think the expression is gobsmacked!! When you meet somebody famous, it just seems sureal, I have been accused of never using one word when a hundred will do!! So when I bumped into Sean Bean, I just stared and blushed, not very becoming for a pensioner!!!!!!

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Jim Hardie, I know just what you mean!! Think the expression is gobsmacked!! When you meet somebody famous, it just seems sureal, I have been accused of never using one word when a hundred will do!! So when I bumped into Sean Bean, I just stared and blushed, not very becoming for a pensioner!!!!!!


Mouse, I had a similar conversation with Rod Stewart but this was before he was famous (circa 1965).

Me: Have you got the right time please?

Rod: Five to eleven.

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