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Dyslexia it is a gift.

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I'm new here and I am dyslexic. So I apologize ahead of time for my goofs I get words wrong, ie Brain for Brian, Fiat for Flat and I have a North America Spell check as well OOer . I can read and write, ( one trashy paperback a night now) but I can't pronounce any new long word unless I hear it first, then its in my head for ever if I repeat it a few times.The computer is my best pal for my weird brain. Latin is easier to pronounce but I do not know why.

I would not give up my gift for anything. as the saying goes 'I think outside the box' and have a very broad interest in life.. This gift also made myself and many many thousands like me creative artists or mathematicians ie Einstein and Leonardo Da Vinci are the best known Dyslexics

So if you know a child who is trapped put them in front of a computer as soon as possible... Get them elocution Lessons so they can learn to read poems and prose aloud, and let them create with their hands...ie music, any visual art, dance, sculpture, woodwork, metal work etc etc

In a nut shell its like being colour blind but it is word blind instead.

You have been warned ie public and pubic are similar ROFL.. Cheer Ann

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I'm new here and I am dyslexic. So I apologize ahead of time for my goofs I get words wrong, ie Brain for Brian, Fiat for Flat and I have a North America Spell check as well OOer . I can read and write, ( one trashy paperback a night now) but I can't pronounce any new long word unless I hear it first, then its in my head for ever if I repeat it a few times.


Welcome and don’t worry I often have the same problem but I get by, the “spelling police” will have a little dig now and then, just humour them.


What part of Canada are you from ?

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Thanks Shinyhappy I may have been here before years ago but in the early days there were a lot of flame wars.. so a bunch of women left. I didn't realise this was a link when I joined Sheffield Indexes. and its automatic re password etc

I may put something here about. My cousin Ralph who I saw mentioned in another thread ie his suicide...

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Dyslexia isn't "a gift" it is a disability which makes numerous basic skills essential to modern living difficult for sufferers to acquire & use.


Numerous distinguished historical intellectual figures are supposed to have been dyslexic though these diagnoses are often questionable & based upon poor evidence.


Of course dyslexics can be creative & brilliant but so far as I'm aware there's little evidence that this creative brilliance is in any way due to dyslexia. Dyslexia certainly isn't necessary for creative brilliance as the non-dyslexic great minds far outweigh the dyslexic ones.

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I am really younger in my head Shinyhappy LOL... I only stopped making tons Concrete Art at 69 ( it kept me very strong) when the surgeon cut a main nerve and left my leg paralyzed when he put my new hip in, or I would still be churning it out, I did keep the mixer though just in case... Now I'm back to Watercolours again so I can sit.

Re being Dyslexic, Tony has put my Sheffield book on the Sheffield Index site.. It's called Muck or Nettles. He and Elaine like it... but I was scared at first to put it there, I always feel like I have to apologize for it. But It's been in the Sheffield Archives at the Central Library for about 10 years so they must like it.

My son age 50 has severe Dyslexia disability, but he has 7 trades. Another son has an IQ of 147 go figure the latter drove a truck! but soon he will be in University, he went back to school .

There are new ways of getting around the disability now to some extent, it was in an article in the Brit news recently its all to do with visuals. BTW Shinyhappy I'm on facebook so you can see the 'gobbo art' and my watercolours under Ann Wardley.


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