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When Will The Royals Ever Marry Somebody Non-White?

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The Royals are very keen to keep the blue blood flowing through the viens of their future generations, therefore the only other race they are likely to breed with is the Smurf.

Well looking at Charly's boys(?)..it seems as if a Teletubby had a crack

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Bless you. It's not true of course, but even if it were, it'd have to be said that I were bigger and better than you, having been trading under the same name and no other since for several years and several thousand posts.

You have a lot to learn.


lol @ reporting my post. Wet lettuce.

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I don't know what al the fuss is about.


They are descendents of a <REMOVED> and they have no real claim on the throne. :o


The REAL King of England, King Mike, lives in Australia, but cant be bothered with it all. If the law changes to the crown going to the first born daughter, then Queen Amanda might have something to say about it. :hihi:

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