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Should "pet" ownership be phased out. ?

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Why associate a dangerous hamster with a pit bull? The Rhodesian ridgeback is a far more powerful dog for example.


A nip?. It's not a nip. It's a bite. If a toddler is bitten by a hamster it will still be distressed. We are going wildly off topic though.


Seems so, where are the people defending goldfish. ?

Those brought home from the hook a duck to be plonked in a jug of fresh tap water only to be discovered dead the next morning. ?

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Staffies, the face of the doler and small time weed dealer.

i am not either one but own a staff, what a lovely sweeping generalisation of the owners around you.


not all staffy owners are chavs, we dont all walk round with our trackie bottoms tucked into our socks you know

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I am one of these complainers, I have barking dogs near me which make a noise for hours on end disturbing my quality of life. I am constantly on to the council about them but little gets done. There is dog crap all over some pavements. What sort of civilised society should put up with dog ****e being left on the pavements and in parks. It is beyond me why anyone wants to share their home with a filthy animal . The number of times I.see people touch their dog, let it lick them etc and then they consume food is unbelievable.

I would not miss a world without dogs


Well some people dont like dogs but most do. The animal is only as clean as you care for it. Once a month a good grooming by a professional and a bath once a week.


You have my sympathy about the barking dog problem. Obviously the police are an apathetic lot where you live and there are no bylaws it seems about fouling the pavements or public parks, again it seems caused by civic apathy.

Dog waste bags and scoops are available where you live right?

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Oh come on - surely this thread is a wind up?


Education is always the answer - otherwise we would be still building lion and bear pitts. The majority of people and family's gain huge amounts of pleasure, companionship, exercise and socialisation by owning a pet. In every walk of life there are morons - so you would be better to spend your energy and your discussion on ways to decrease cruelty.


Ha - corr my sides hurt laughing on that one - go on - tell me its a wind up.

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