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Should "pet" ownership be phased out. ?

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I think the ethics of owning pets is up for debate, which I think is what megalithic is getting at.


Pets emerged from our relationship chiefly with cats and dogs, which have been a part of human civilization since the outset. Cats were important to protect a grain surplus, and dogs were used to find and hunt game. They weren't pets.


Over the millennia, people have kept the cutest (the most infantile examples from the litter (big head and paws, small body)) and the result is today's pet dog or cat - basically an infantilised version of a wild dog or cat, one that never quite grows up.


For dogs, the ratio of 1 abused:100 loved - anyone have any actual figures for how many dogs are abused or pups pts every year?

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In my opinion, yes.


We don't "need" pets, they are there for our pleasure, and pet ownership is open to abuse as we well know.


i think it's time to phase this out myself, whilst they provide companionship for a lot of people the negatives outweigh the positives for me, you only have to look at the rescue situation highlighted on here.


Ok, i accept, there are responsible owners who would suffer but ultimately if you care about animal welfare first it makes sense, no pets, no pet cruelty.




If you are a responsible owner, then not having a pet won't help animal welfare one bit. And if you aren't then you're not likely to be reading this or thinking about the issue.


The only way to affect such a change would be legislation anyway, and there's no way a government would commit suicide by trying to pass laws that would be so unpopular.

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Sorry but personally I think this thread is ridiculous - as teeneyweeney rightly said why dont we phase children out then there wouldnt be any child abuse. My pets are my world and treat them like they should be treated. My pets have helped me thru my depression and the bad times and without them I would be in a much darker and miserable place.

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Yes Do what Rain rescue suggested - spend your time, energy and your discussion on ways to decrease cruelty - With over 200 dogs alone being put to sleep everyweek in the UK, this at least may get people thinking.

Total wind up thread - Gosh i hope so otherwise - no wonder this world is in such a big mess.

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Are you drunk. ? :huh:


There are no ant eaters in Britain but we aren't over run by ants. :loopy:


You've never traveled much and that's painfully obvious :rolleyes:

Forget about Britain and ant eaters. There are poorer countries in the world where the mouse and rat population is still only kept down to a reasonable level of control by the presence of cats and dogs. These countries dont have the more sophitisticated technology of controlling this kind of vermin.

I'll also bet that many warehouses and other places of business in Europe today still rely on cats to kill mice and rats.

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You've never traveled much and that's painfully obvious :rolleyes:


That's the big problem with half the members of this forum. No one has been anywhere outside Sheffield unless it was for a week in Spain for the British beer and excellent fish and chips.

If they actually educated themselves, they'd realise what prats they are and what crap they spout.

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