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Should "pet" ownership be phased out. ?

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Ok, before i'm trolled further, lets say, wardens patrol, if an unspayed pet is found it's spayed, i'm not talking about murdering animals, but phasing pet ownership out, it's quite simple, if you put emotion aside for animal welfare.

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That's just stupid. There will always be animal abuse! All we animal owners (I use the term loosely, I didn't choose to 'own' my animal, but I'm the best thing she has going for her) do is to do the best we can for the animals we look after.


That's just stupid, you'd consign current pets to a lingering death.

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If we can ignore the emotional aspects of pet-keeping, especially the strong bonds that can develop between humans and other mammals, and just concentrate on the story "behind the curtain" of pet ownership (puppy farms, drowned kittens, mass euthanasia of rodents, etc) , then maybe we could find a case for ending the concept of "pet animals" and revert to either farmed animals, experimental animals, working animals or wild animals.


But that is a difficult extrication to pull off, more controls on pet ownership, breeding and sale might be a more productive avenue.

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I'd rather phase out 'pet owners' myself, especially those whom have Staffordshire dogs.



You would have me put to death would you?

I had my little girlie put to sleep last weekend (the single worst time of my life might i add), after 15 years of love, companionship and happy times.


Not all Stafford owners are scum that breed anything resembling a Stafford with anything else resembling a Stafford. I know the kennels are full of mongrels that resemble Staffies (with the odd pure Stafford thrown in), but you can not take that out on Stafford owners. In fact. We are looking through every website we know of to decide whether we can offer a home to a homeless Stafford.


I find your post ignorant and insulting. How about you try thinking before touching a keyboard in future.

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