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Should "pet" ownership be phased out. ?

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Dont come round to my house and try to remove my dog. I'll sic him on you.I bet you're one of these people who'se always complaining to the law about barking dogs or neighbours cats crapping in the yard :D


You would set your dog on someone knocking at your door?


No one is suggesting removing your pets. The OP is suggesting fading out pets.

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We may have created them but they have been here for 1000's of years due to us. Is it fair to eradicate them after all this time?


fair, no, i suppose, but no way can the current situation of pound animals be classed as fair either.

I suppose the question is which is the lesser of two evils.

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The only cure i can think of is to force everyone wanting a pet to carry a license at all times when out with their pets. Then make the police stop anyone on their beat that has pet with them and make them produce said license. If they can not produce the lisense they get a heavy fine.


Also... Bring in a reward scheme. Say £100 to anyone that informs on anyone that is mistreating any pet.


Even to me this sounds silly but it's the best i can come up with atm.

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fair, no, i suppose, but no way can the current situation of pound animals be classed as fair either.

I suppose the question is which is the lesser of two evils.



The lesser of two evils is pretty simple.


Eradicate a species from the planet.


Leave the system as it is and have a miniscule amount of the species open to abuse.



For me it is a no brainer.

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Ok, before i'm trolled further, lets say, wardens patrol, if an unspayed pet is found it's spayed, i'm not talking about murdering animals, but phasing pet ownership out, it's quite simple, if you put emotion aside for animal welfare.


You aren't being trolled (although some would say your thread falls in that category!)


Getting rid of something to stop abuse is exceptionally shortsighted.

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In my opinion, yes.


We don't "need" pets, they are there for our pleasure, and pet ownership is open to abuse as we well know.


i think it's time to phase this out myself, whilst they provide companionship for a lot of people the negatives outweigh the positives for me, you only have to look at the rescue situation highlighted on here.


Ok, i accept, there are responsible owners who would suffer but ultimately if you care about animal welfare first it makes sense, no pets, no pet cruelty.




My opinion is that you are being dense!

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