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Dog attacks on kids, why's it always a Staffy?

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Keep the faith 0742 I know how distressing it can be touring rescue centres. But what a pair of classics the last two posters are!! They should learn the value of dog ownership. They are sad people who would demonise a dog for the actions of people – but it’s their loss ultimately.


How sweet they are though, with such love and respect for the middle classes?

Wow – hang on - I bet they are middle class too – hope they don’t read this or they might beat me with their chav sticks!!


Still my jack Russell cross will protect me – I mean small ‘yappy dogs’ are the most likely to bite – plek says so, so it MUST be true!!

Good luck with your search for a dog 0742 you deserve a real peach of a mut!

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there may be some middle class people who own staffies but it is rare. it's the same with rotweillers. they are almost exclusively owned by the lower end of the social scale. why this is the case i don't know but it seems to be the case. no intention to have a go or cause an row but i know im right.

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there may be some middle class people who own staffies but it is rare. it's the same with rotweillers. they are almost exclusively owned by the lower end of the social scale. why this is the case i don't know but it seems to be the case. no intention to have a go or cause an row but i know im right.


Care to show where you are getting this info from?.


Now that the Stafford has been recognized as a full breed the Stafford section of dog shows is packed with them. It is one of the most popular sections imo. I do not know of many people that are 'lower end of society' (must be a nice palace you live in), that spend thousands on their dogs then go and show them around the world.

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Care to show where you are getting this info from?.


Now that the Stafford has been recognized as a full breed the Stafford section of dog shows is packed with them. It is one of the most popular sections imo. I do not know of many people that are 'lower end of society' (must be a nice palace you live in), that spend thousands on their dogs then go and show them around the world.


You're wasting your time 0742 - the diggory is never going to alter its veiw. I guess that's how it is when people are closed minded. But what a sad way to live; being afraid to admit that sometimes we just might be wrong.


Self deception - the brother of ignorance.

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there may be some middle class people who own staffies but it is rare. it's the same with rotweillers. they are almost exclusively owned by the lower end of the social scale. why this is the case i don't know but it seems to be the case. no intention to have a go or cause an row but i know im right.


I'm a teacher and I own a staffy....

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My staffy is very posh, shes more upper class than I am, she has a GAP hoody (which I admit she did steal from my daughter) and a beautiful pink diamante collar. And she won't sleep in a dog bed, she has to have a huge, overgrown fluffy stuffed dog as a mattress.


I did acquire her Free to a good home' as a pup, which happens very often with the breed, hence the influx of them into chav world.

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I also own 2 lovely, but loud children, who like to pull ears and tails, and they haven't been attacked by my stuck up staff as yet.


Sad thing is Leah, no amount of logic or truth will change their seedy little minds. Though - they do seem to have gone quiet don't they?

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It seems it's not just kids, staffies are even starting to attack cows now!


Look at this recent story from the papers!




I suppose staffy owners will say it was the cattle's fault for provoking the staffy and that they've got two lovely children and their dog would never do that.

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