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Dog attacks on kids, why's it always a Staffy?

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Thank you, that makes everyone feel so much better.


Sorry if my pedantic nature shows through here. I just hear this locking jaw stuff all the time. It's not the case. Glad to make you feel better and at least my contribution was a little more than a urine take, unlike yours. Yeah baby, see what I did there? Awesome

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you obviously dont know anything about bull terriers to say there not intelligent,and are vicious and aggressive i would like to know where you learnt this incredible piece of wisdom ,as i can clearly tell you have never owned one or in fact been around one long enough to learn what they are actually like,and you just stated that nearly all the powerfull breeds are naturally dangerous another broad statement with no truth,you are clearly just a news paper reader probably the daily mail and choose to go along with the "devil dog" of the moment which does change breeds to suit,for instance 1990 it was the american pitbull terrier not just "pitbull" as that isnt a breed which lead to the dangerous dogs act 1991 (which is getting repealed as it doesnt work) banning four different dogs one of which with no reason, but broadly "pitbull type" which could be anything it literally just goes on measurements in court,and now after the DDA there are more pitbulls in britain than ever before which sadly also have a bad name because of the jumped up media with no experience with them,and yet they are the number 1 family dog over in the states and the APBT is the most highly decorated dog over there with the militry,so before judging things you clearly have no idea about i suggest you start learning some facts instead of your opinion,which to any person that knows about dogs clearly is


Many thanks for helping to prove my point! :hihi:

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"Overall, Staffordshire Bull Terriers have friendly, gentle dispositions and make lovely companions for many types of households. Praised for its "nanny-like" instincts, the Stafford gets along remarkably well with children when properly trained and socialized. "


My bold, as with all dogs - training and socialisation is key




"The Staffordshire Bull Terrier


One of only two breeds named as 'Good with Children' in their breed standard by the UK Kennel Club from over 190 breeds"

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That's a very sensible post. Perhaps I should have titled this thread "Dog attacks on kids, why does it always seem to be a Staffy?"


Yes, there are other types of dangerous dog too - Alsations, rottweilers, dobermanns for example. It does seem that owners of these dogs are much more aware of their dog's natural temperament and they do take steps to protect children, both their own and other people's.


It's a mystery then why so many staffy owners, instead of being similarly responsible, continue to insist that their dog isn't dangerous and that if it attacks anyone it must be the victim's fault.


We know staffys tend to be small, vicious, aggressive and not very intelligent. Could the same be said of the typical staffy owner - some of the responses on this thread certainly suggest it is?


You clearly have not read your own thread. If you had you wouldn't have posted what has already been said over and over.


My bold.... Now we all know you are not very intelligent. By all means stick to reading tabloid dross and scaremongering. Just be careful to not make yourself look silly doing so ;)

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Here is the UK Kennel club Staffordshire Bull Terrier breed standard:



Makes interesting reading especially:



Traditionally of indomitable courage and tenacity. Highly intelligent and affectionate especially with children.



Bold, fearless and totally reliable.


The problem is that most of the staffys owned by young kids and macho blokes (certainly around here) are not pure bred, but are crossed with all sorts.


But once again the nature of the dog is far less important than the ******** owner that wants a dog for fighting or to show how hard he is (and it almost always is a he)


John X

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You clearly have not read your own thread. If you had you wouldn't have posted what has already been said over and over.


My bold.... Now we all know you are not very intelligent. By all means stick to reading tabloid dross and scaremongering. Just be careful to not make yourself look silly doing so ;)


Spot on 0742!


Clearly, Ricky you are suffering from some psychotic or delusional state. You persist in ignoring the information of people who actually own Staffs et al and continue your rant regardless. In your post (143) you show your true colours when you say,


QUOTE:- “We know staffys tend to be small, vicious, aggressive and not very intelligent. Could the same be said of the typical staffy owner ..”


Why don’t you accept that you are just a very frightened reactionary person who has no understanding whatsoever of canines generally and Staffs in particular?

I had mistakenly hoped that if you derived anything at all from this thread it would be a basic understanding of the genetic process. It seems to me that your quote above applies more to yourself than anyone else.


Why can’t you understand that the characteristics that are artificially bred into animals tend to ‘breed out’ very quickly once the breeder stops selecting progeny for aggression?

The vast majority of Staffs are not selected for aggression and in most cases, never have been.


I think that maybe you crave attention and that’s why you carry on with your ridiculously obstinate stance in the face of such overwhelming evidence albeit mainly anecdotal.

Don’t you care at all that you are completely mistaken?

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in my opinon staffys,dobermans,rockweilers are all owned by young blokes, think there hard and need a dog to go with there macho looks,thing is they dont take them for walks and the dog gets frustrated, they have kids and wont let the dog near them, the dog gets jealous of the child and thats when problems start. its a macho thing, best part about it they call there dogs rocky or tyson, a dog is for life not just a macho thing, it takes a better man to look after a dog than one that just abuses it

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