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Dog attacks on kids, why's it always a Staffy?

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Spot on 0742!


Clearly, Ricky you are suffering from some psychotic or delusional state. You persist in ignoring the information of people who actually own Staffs et al and continue your rant regardless. In your post (143) you show your true colours when you say,


QUOTE:- “We know staffys tend to be small, vicious, aggressive and not very intelligent. Could the same be said of the typical staffy owner ..”


Why don’t you accept that you are just a very frightened reactionary person who has no understanding whatsoever of canines generally and Staffs in particular?

I had mistakenly hoped that if you derived anything at all from this thread it would be a basic understanding of the genetic process. It seems to me that your quote above applies more to yourself than anyone else.


Why can’t you understand that the characteristics that are artificially bred into animals tend to ‘breed out’ very quickly once the breeder stops selecting progeny for aggression?

The vast majority of Staffs are not selected for aggression and in most cases, never have been.


I think that maybe you crave attention and that’s why you carry on with your ridiculously obstinate stance in the face of such overwhelming evidence albeit mainly anecdotal.

Don’t you care at all that you are completely mistaken?

well said supertyke couldnt have put it better myself

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another dog attack on a family was in the press this weekend and guess what, the dogs involved were yet again Staffys.




One of the staffys was called "Savage". You couldn't make it up.


I take no pleasure in being proved right but it's sadly inevitable that you could have guessed the dog breed just from reading the headline "Teenager jailed after killer dog rampage". How much more evidence do you need?

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Another dog attack on a family was in the press this weekend and guess what, the dogs involved were yet again Staffys.




One of the staffys was called "Savage". You couldn't make it up.


I take no pleasure in being proved right but it's sadly inevitable that you could have guessed the dog breed just from reading the headline "Teenager jailed after killer dog rampage". How much more evidence do you need?


Yes this other story, cherry picked, really backs you up. Don't think about becoming a lawyer as you may struggle making convincing cases.

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Another dog attack on a family was in the press this weekend and guess what, the dogs involved were yet again Staffys.




One of the staffys was called "Savage". You couldn't make it up.


I take no pleasure in being proved right but it's sadly inevitable that you could have guessed the dog breed just from reading the headline "Teenager jailed after killer dog rampage". How much more evidence do you need?


Do you have any idea idea how pathetic you are looking?


The dogs involved never attacked anyone, yet alone a child. They attacked a dog. Are you suggesting only Staffies attack other dogs as well now? :loopy:


Give it up rickie. You are well and truly falling deeper and deeper in to that big whole you are digging yourself.

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Saw this story the other month actually. Attack was on another dog, not a child, and the dogs were a pit bull, and a pit bull cross, so not really that relevant. Staffys are not the only breed of dog that will attack other dogs.


If you read the article it says "Dale Forde, from Church Road, Bordesley Green, has been jailed for eight weeks after his banned pit bull and Staffordshire bull terrier called Savage and Sapphire went on a fatal rampage."


I don't know how you managed to see it the other month when it was only in the paper at the weekend!


I know that in this case the staffy didn't attack the children but that's only because as the paper says the mum "barricaded herself and two of her children in their lounge from the rampaging animals who were removed by four specialist police dog handlers." If she hadn't, who knows what hideous injuries the staffies might have inflicted?


I only linked to this report to prove once again that staffys are a naturally aggressive breed whose automatic reaction to any other animal or human is to attack it. No matter how much staffy owners try to deny it, you can't argue with the facts.

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we've owned


german shepherds



goldon reterivers





Out of them all the rottweiler was most protective of the little ones, the staff was the one who wants to play all the time and the Goldon was the gentlest. My old next door neigbours child was attacked by a labrador so it goes to show all dog breeds have it in them.

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