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Dog attacks on kids, why's it always a Staffy?

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Would there be anything wrong with either a ban or tight regulation on the future sale or purchase of such dogs then? That way dogs aren't being punished just for being the breed they are, and as time goes on the world will be a better place than it is now without people strutting around and using them as a status symbol or owning them for their aggressiveness.


All dogs temperaments are a result of the way they were trained, so maybe it would be a good idea to put tighter regulation on the sale/purchase of all dogs, particularly the stronger breeds (not just Staffordshire Bull Terriers).


Even smaller dogs can attack, and have horrible results, if the owners neglect them enough, or train them to be vicious.


I think the main issue is making sure ALL animal owners are responsible, and maybe one way to do that would be making it compulsary for animal owners to register their pets, and take them to training classes.

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At least you admit that your experience regarding dogs is ‘limited’ though that it came across in your post anyway. Your knowledge of genetics seems to be equally ‘limited’.


Genetically ALL dogs are inclined to fight. The difference with Staffs and some other breeds is that they have been selectively bred by humans for aggression.

You say that there is a gene that these breeds have that inclines them towards aggression – not true. Such traits are as easily bred out as they are bred in.


Indeed, if pedigree dogs of ANY type were left to breed without mans interference, their makeup would very quickly revert to the way it was before we applied our own vain and often despicable preferences.


There have been many millions MORE Staffs that have been bred by ‘normal’ people for reasons other than aggression so that the ‘aggressive’ gene is as recessive as any other non-physical gene.


Thankfully the main drive towards breeding Staffs into ‘Pit Bulls’ has been an American trend (not atypically) drug dealers and scum use them to defend themselves and their property, these people have no love or respect for ANY animal and have contributed disproportionately to the attacks here and in America.


So you do no good whatsoever harbouring such vindictive and frankly hysterical views. Demonising a breed is unhelpful and if anything will INCREASE the likelihood of attacks, (fearful people are confusing to dogs and likewise trigger fear and defensive aggression in some dogs – especially dogs that have been bred to fight.


You really should get to know some Staffs and Rotties etc and allow your own irrational fear to be diminished.


Finally, you say that ‘small yappy dogs are more inclined to bite’. Not true – again people are to blame for by treating a dog like a baby and carrying it around etc is never going to allow that dog to learn ‘the rules’.


Finally someone who seems to know what they are talking about :)

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The examples don't count because staffy owners are too bloody stupid to realise they're bringing a potential killer into their house.

I really don't see the logic in owning a pet that has been bred to be aggressive but expecting not to be.

It's stupidity of the worst kind.


You just have a deep seated problems with staffies you slate them at every oppertunity and I know quite a few very intelligent people who own them and never have any problems with them at all.


To be honest the main culprit for dog attacks of any breed are parents that feel its acceptable to let children to terrorise the poor dog and have a lack of control of their kids.

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