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Dog attacks on kids, why's it always a Staffy?

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All dogs have been known to attack people - the difference is in the amount of damage that can be done. Everyone knows that jack russels often bite, but obviously it doesn't make the news because they are incapable of doing serious damage (well ok, unlikely, not incapable)


Those little Yorkshire Terriers can be a bit nasty as well..

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9 times out of 10 it's a Staffy, but Rottweilers have been known to attack children as well.


What rubbish, just because it makes the papers doesnt mean that they are the only dogs who attack....personally I know of only one dog attack (on a family member) and it was a collie....

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What rubbish, just because it makes the papers doesnt mean that they are the only dogs who attack....personally I know of only one dog attack (on a family member) and it was a collie....


I would be so happy if it became a status symbol to strut around town with a collie. The world would be a much better place.

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I see that once again a child has been savaged by a vicious dog and yet again it's the usual breed, a staffordshire bull terrier. Why do staffy apologists always insist that their dog is harmless when it's always the same breed that's savaging innocent children? It has to be time for the government to seriously clamp down on dangerous dogs and ban people from keeping breeds such as staffies as pets!


Better get your tin hat on!!!!

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my mum is 65 years old and not a chav and has had her staffy dog for the last 10 years, he has never even so much as growled at anyone! my son is 11 and my daughter is 3 and both my kids have played with him and rode on his back and he has never shown any aggression towards them. i am not naive and when my kids are around the dog we are always watching them together and we NEVER leave them alone together as you never know and its not cause of his breed we do it when they are round any other dog/animal not just my mums.


i belive its wrong to target specific breeds in these cases every breed of dog has the potential to attack a child or adult or other dog. i also belive a lot the time its the owners and/or enviroment that make a bad dog just the same as a person isnt born bad/evil they become evil/bad due to various reasons.

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I see that once again a child has been savaged by a vicious dog and yet again it's the usual breed, a staffordshire bull terrier. Why do staffy apologists always insist that their dog is harmless when it's always the same breed that's savaging innocent children? It has to be time for the government to seriously clamp down on dangerous dogs and ban people from keeping breeds such as staffies as pets!


It is stupid, ill-informed nonsense like that, that leads to these stupid kids buying staffy and pitbull crossbreeds to fight each other.


This is becoming a big problem here in S5.


John X

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iv just google since my last post - UK dog attacks and various other such things to just see how many dogs and what breeds come up the most - this is what i found personally from just looking out of intrest see if what the OP says its because he's looked or just from the one artice he's linked too


Staffy 4

Rotti 3

Doberman 1

Pittbull 6

Jack russell 1

Belgian Mastif 1

Chow Chow 1

terrier type dog 2

C/Spanial 1




now this is only me looking its not an extensive search so i could be way off the mark but just goes to show (IN MY PERSONAL OPINION)


its not always staffys

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