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Disabled asked to pull up stumps literally!

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I'm just trying to show that contrary to the opinion of readers of the Daily Mail, not all severely disabled are lead swinging scroungers.


And like I've said before, some of us would love to work, but the current system won't let us, because the current anti-discrimination legislation ain't worth the paper it's printed on IMO cos the Government don't enforce it, so companies can get away with discrimination! :rant:




Got any new material?

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These kind of threads really annoy me! :rant:


I'm classed as severely disabled, and have been doing voluntary work for nigh on 20 years, including working for South Yorks Police as a Police Support Volunteer, and also working for Hospital Broadcasting Sheffield as a volunteer co-presenter, been doing that about 3 and half years now.

I fail to see the reasoning behind this ,you say you are disabled and cannot get a job even though you say you want one,yet you work god knows how many hours voluntary,would I be right in thinking that if you had a paid job your substantial benefits would take a big knock ? its very easy saying you would like to work its another thing proving it.

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I fail to see the reasoning behind this ,you say you are disabled and cannot get a job even though you say you want one,yet you work god knows how many hours voluntary,would I be right in thinking that if you had a paid job your sustantial benefits would take a big knock ?


I don't work "God knows how many hours", I shouldn't have to respond to this kind of troll bait, but for your info I only work 5 hours a week over both jobs.


Someone on disability can legally work up to 16 hours a week without affecting their benefits, I have looked into it so I have official knowledge on the subject, granted that info came from Jpb Centre Plus so I don't know how accurate it is, but if I wanted I could still do an extra shift up at HBS or down at Lifewise without affecting my entitlement.

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getting back to my earlier post -


My sister was run over by a car.

She has a metal rod in her back and is in a wheel chair.

She can walk short distances if she uses two sticks.

She has been recovering very wll, but then the rod that is basically the replacement for 3 of her vertabrae snapped and she will be back in hospital for several operations.

It is not likely that she will be back at work for another 2 years or so - BUT -

She will not lose her disability benefits because she has medical proof that she is incapable of doing it.

She has doctors who will support that the strength of her medication affects her concentration.

She has physios who will support that she isn't physically capable.

She has a shrink that will suport that she isn't mentally capable.


My sister is able to provide irrovocable PROOF that she isn't currently fit for work and she will not lose out on benefits at all.


For all the scroungers who cannot provide undeniable evidence that they are NOT ripping the system off, will be left without a penny - and so they should be.


I cant believe how easy it would be to go onto disability benefits myself - and being unemployed makes my case stronger. But I don't see the point of it because I CAN work. (or could, if there were jobs)

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I can't speak for Rich and I am not trying too, but working in a voluntary capacity is entirely different to finding paid work, and obviously a lot easier to find.


I can however tell you about a relative of mine with asbergers syndrome, he is 28 years old and has had had one paid job that lasted a year, he was driven to a breakdown by the other workers, who hounded and made fun of him because he was different, there was a mutual lack of understanding.


My relative has not worked since, after a few years of being quite ill because of his experiences he has tried everything in his power to get work, voluntary work, schemes and not just once but over and over again but nothing has ever turned into even a hope of work, he is desperate, he wants to be proud of his life, he wants to buy his own home and lift up his head and say that he has made it against all odds...but that isn't happening for him.


What more should my relative do? he tries so hard and hits a brick wall, every time the result of the failure is a bout of depression, he has been on anti depressants for years, to look at him he would appear to be a strong and capable person, but reality is that his life is in tatters and I fear for him.


All that he has to look forward to now is a big drop in money, a lot of pressure and disapproval both from the government and society, with absolutely nothing that he can do to change about his self.

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I don't work "God knows how many hours", I shouldn't have to respond to this kind of troll bait, but for your info I only work 5 hours a week over both jobs.


Someone on disability can legally work up to 16 hours a week without affecting their benefits, I have looked into it so I have official knowledge on the subject, granted that info came from Jpb Centre Plus so I don't know how accurate it is, but if I wanted I could still do an extra shift up at HBS or down at Lifewise without affecting my entitlement.

So you are saying that you will only work X hours because anything over affects your benefit,does that include paid work ?

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As someone who has worked and payed taxes all my working life. I have no complaint against supporting via the dwp those that cant work though no fault of there own.

what i do have a problem with is the ones with the so called charlie chaplin walking sticks that only touch the ground when someone is watching ,the ones that use a wheel chair when there assesment is due and by some miracle walk again once it is over .the ones that need a heart lung machine respirator in a shopping trolley when called in for a interveiw. but leave it at home when they go to a car boot or down to the club

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So you are saying that you will only work X hours because anything over affects your benefit,does that include paid work ?


According to what someone at JCP told me last year, under the rules I could do paid work, but only work 10 hours a week and come away with £20 a week "pay" without affecting my benefits, so I'd work possibly 2 half days a week and "earn" 2 quid an hour, and the Government/DWP wonders why so many people work without declaring it? :loopy:


Everything I do is declared to the socials, the job centre and the DWP.

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According to what someone at JCP told me last year, under the rules I could do paid work, but only work 10 hours a week and come away with £20 a week "pay" without affecting my benefits, so I'd work possibly 2 half days a week and "earn" 2 quid an hour, and the Government/DWP wonders why so many people work without declaring it? :loopy:


Everything I do is declared to the socials, the job centre and the DWP.

But again you say "without affecting my benefits" so what your saying is that you want a job and want your benefits thats like having your cake and eating it,it seems its people like you that contribute to giving the real deserving a bad name.

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