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Who is getting rich from our austerity measures !

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Guest sibon
Who are these Alluminati?


Are they the people who sell tinfoil?


Surely, that would be the Aluminiati... Just to underline your gag a little more:)

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Surely, that would be the Aluminiati... Just to underline your gag a little more:)


Hahaha... Good one!


Has anyone noticed, GrossLogic has been online, but amazingly, this post was left untouched... :o


That was unexpected... :hihi:


I'm STILL awaiting password details!

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We had every reason to doubt your addled proclamations! Can I just remind those new to the table that this is a 'conversation' Truthlogic maintains Dr Brain <sp> Cox said on 'Live TV' although, unlike any other conversation ever in the history of his protestations, continually saying 'he said it, he said it' is NOT proof that anything supporting his claim was actually said.


He has, so far, provided not a scrap of evidence to support his claim, and rather asserts it's our responsibility to find the truth.


Summary: Coxie said nothing of the sort. In fact, here's the TRUTH.




Truthlogic. I know you have a two second attention span, but if you'd bothered to watch or actually do any research...


I will happily, as per your 'bet' accept your password now. Please PM it to me...


You know I promised my self to ignore the tripe you decide *to type , you are getting rather annoying ,



Unless your name is halibut , I did not offer you my password for the supply of proff for professor Brian cox words ,

I find anything you say irrelevant as you belive that murder of kids is not evil .


However if you can get halibut to come and put his avatar on the line , sure I will post the link,


I can see that you and the other posters have all posted nothing relevant to our national debt or how private banks like BoE and fed reserve control our money , by basically loaning us money!

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I can see that you and the other posters have all posted nothing relevant to our national debt or how private banks like BoE and fed reserve control our money , by basically loaning us money!


we have posted much relavant information, but you choose to ignore it and continue to belive in your insane conspiracy theories.


the posts not directly related to the topic are a result of the fact it is, metaphorically speaking, better to beat someone elses head against a wall rather than your own.

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You know I promised my self to ignore the tripe you decide *to type , you are getting rather annoying ,


Unless your name is halibut , I did not offer you my password for the supply of proff for professor Brian cox words ,


I find anything you say irrelevant as you belive that murder of kids is not evil .


However if you can get halibut to come and put his avatar on the line , sure I will post the link,


I can see that you and the other posters have all posted nothing relevant to our national debt or how private banks like BoE and fed reserve control our money , by basically loaning us money!


*I'm* getting annoying because I'm constantly calling you out for being wrong! Oh that's risible!


But please, you odious little deviant, don't try to use my argument against me! You've made well over 1000 posts, almost all of them hate inspiring bile filled delusional nonsense.


This whole 'murder of kids' thing again... Are you serious? First it was "murder is not evil". Now it's grown to include murder of kids? I don't need to ask if you've got issues - it's clear you have no compunction about twisting the facts to suit your ends. No wonder you think there's conspiracies everywhere, you live in an imaginary world of pure fantasy!


You were proved wrong on the Brian Cox issue. I showed you the truth, which you were incapable, or unwilling to post yourself (why, because it showed you have nothing just smoke and whispers). The very LEAST you could do is admit that you were wrong.


You go on about evil, but what you do is far far worse! You're deliberately insinuating your corrupt issues into the mind of people - every single weak mind you manage to influence is another loss for truth and decency. And, sadly, you WILL influence some minds - you're operating a cult mentality and it sickens me. It's all our job to make people realize just what a fraud you really are and not get sucked into this utter nonsense.


In fact, people like you sicken me. I had hoped you would get bored and go elsewhere, or, more properly get banned, but that hasn't happened. In fact, more of your cult appear to be creating accounts every day.


So please, slither off and take your delusional rantings back to the dark corners of the internet where other nutters can mutter about the end of the world, safe from normal free thinking people!

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*I'm* getting annoying because I'm constantly calling you out for being wrong! Oh that's risible!


But please, you odious little deviant, don't try to use my argument against me! You've made well over 1000 posts, almost all of them hate inspiring bile filled delusional nonsense.


This whole 'murder of kids' thing again... Are you serious? First it was "murder is not evil". Now it's grown to include murder of kids? I don't need to ask if you've got issues - it's clear you have no compunction about twisting the facts to suit your ends. No wonder you think there's conspiracies everywhere, you live in an imaginary world of pure fantasy!


You were proved wrong on the Brian Cox issue. I showed you the truth, which you were incapable, or unwilling to post yourself (why, because it showed you have nothing just smoke and whispers). The very LEAST you could do is admit that you were wrong.


You go on about evil, but what you do is far far worse! You're deliberately insinuating your corrupt issues into the mind of people - every single weak mind you manage to influence is another loss for truth and decency. And, sadly, you WILL influence some minds - you're operating a cult mentality and it sickens me. It's all our job to make people realize just what a fraud you really are and not get sucked into this utter nonsense.


In fact, people like you sicken me. I had hoped you would get bored and go elsewhere, or, more properly get banned, but that hasn't happened. In fact, more of your cult appear to be creating accounts every day.


So please, slither off and take your delusional rantings back to the dark corners of the internet where other nutters can mutter about the end of the world, safe from normal free thinking people!



Look this is not a personal attack but you debunked your self , I see no reason to waste my time with some one who says things like :


"I've interviewed serial killers and murderers in my career and I wouldn't call any of them evil. "post 214 on why do people*

Practice Satanism ..


"I think nothing is black and White and while I quite firmly believe that one cannot classify murder as evil." post 219



Hence why I choose to Ignore you

Now please if you don't know anything about fractional banking please disappear !


And yes my comments to halibu stand , brain cox did say planetary allignment will occur in 2012 ( not that I belive in the 2012 theroies )


And yes 666 is printed on the old Elgar £20 bank notes ,


And may I add you have the cheek to say I am full of hate after your comments about ritual child sacrifice !

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