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Who is getting rich from our austerity measures !

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I haven't read all of this thread as I'm assuming it is the usual slanging match between friends.


What I would say is we are in an unprecedented financial situation which was predicted by people on forums like this and who were derided as lizard lovers and the like at the time, but have been proved correct in almost every detail. It is also an easily ratified fact that the rich are indeed getting richer and the poor poorer, some of them at an alarmingly fast rate.


In all honesty I don't think anybody really understands what's going on as they are a) Not financial geniuses. b) Not privvy to the correct information, only half truths and selectively biased titbits. c) Not supposed to understand what's going on as riots would undoubtedly ensue.


The media is not your friend, it is the friend of the makers of this crisis. (That is why the Leveson inquiry is so important, but is being reported with maximum obfusification, and will ultimately end in a whitewash.) The media would have you believe this is all your fault - spending too much, having the cheek to expect pensions and the like, setting people against each other with tails of 'benefit scroungers.' Whilst the real story gets barely a mention.


One thing is for certain. This was not the making of the ordinary man in the street although he is most certainly the victim of it. And it's going to get worse.

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Hi Anna


You are absolutely correct about everything you say, the worst is yet to come. It's unfortunate that most of the public don't have a clue what's going on or how we even arrived at this juncture.

The media will never tell the people the truth, for if they knew, there would be blood in the streets as there is in Greece. This mess was created by the ruloing elite and they use governments to borrow for wars and push us further into debt. wait until the government tell our children that the reason we are in this mess is because of their parents. l could go on forever about this subject. Have you read The Big Short, by Michael Lewis, or The Creature from Jekyll Island by G Edward griffin. No need to say anything else if you have. Or how about Williams Black's book, The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One.

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Hi Anna


You are absolutely correct about everything you say, the worst is yet to come. It's unfortunate that most of the public don't have a clue what's going on or how we even arrived at this juncture.

The media will never tell the people the truth, for if they knew, there would be blood in the streets as there is in Greece. This mess was created by the ruloing elite and they use governments to borrow for wars and push us further into debt. wait until the government tell our children that the reason we are in this mess is because of their parents. l could go on forever about this subject. Have you read The Big Short, by Michael Lewis, or The Creature from Jekyll Island by G Edward griffin. No need to say anything else if you have. Or how about Williams Black's book, The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One.


Hi Parki, thanks for your endorsement. I wonder if the penny will ever drop for most people. I haven't read the books you mention but am on Ammazon now tracking them down.

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The Big Short will give you a clear insight as to how the western world arrived at this mess, if you don't fancy reading he does a CD version.


The Creature from Jekyll Island goes back to 1913, this tells you who conned our governments, and who is pulling the strings.

Tragedy & Hope by Carroll Quigley explains how the men from 1913 set up governments to give the people the idea we had freedom of choice, and therefore if we voted for a party and a mess followed, we would blame ourselves, hence the reason l don't vote, all parties are owned by the same group of bankers and they are the ones pulling the strings from both sides. They also fund wars from both sides of the countries they wish a war to be with. Our soldiers don't fight to defend this country, they just think they do because of the lies they have been told. What actually happens is that they are fighting for land as valuable resources are under their feet to trade on wall St.

There are no terrorists, what would you do if another country came to the UK and bombed your home and murdered your children.

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