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Who is getting rich from our austerity measures !

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no debt is created, you have yet to provide any justification for this wildly inaccurate statement


When 'The bank' puts currency into circulation (not replacement for destroyed notes) do they give it away?


Do they loan it?

Do they charge interest on the loan?

What was the note originally based on?

The repaid interest is the result of a real productive endeavour is it not?

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sorry jack


what is it you fail too understand?


the murky world of bond markets?


or the greatest scam ever pulled "fractional reserve banking"


which like i said would make Bernard Madoff look like a petty pick pocket?


Hiya, again TL.


I would be prepared to, confidently, state that I understand all of the above better than yourself. Feel free to question me further for confirmation.


Since, however, you have shown yourself unable to, even, deduce that my name isn't Jack it would appear pointless to engage with you further.


If, however, you choose, by answering the direct questions I have posed you, to prove me wrong I'd be delighted to re-engage. If not I'm afraid that, like most other posters, I'll have to continue to consider you to be a bit of an idiot.



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I don't pretend to understand the ins and outs of the present banking system, but there again, I believe that to be a deliberate ploy - we're not supposed to understand it. That way they can get away with all sorts and have been doing exactly that, which has left us in this dreadful position. And it's still going on. Regulation, what little there's been, has been proved toothless.


And I don't believe half of those spouting off on here understand it either otherwise they would have said something before the crash. There were plenty of people trying to raise the alarm. Maybe they were too busy declaring that banks never fail, and nothing is as safe as the Bank of England. Maybe they were busy agreeing when we were being told that Gordon Brown was the best chancellor ever, and was personally responsible for our unprecedented 'wealth'


What I do believe is we are being lied to on a daily basis, and some people are getting very rich indeed on the back of the austerity measures in the current financial climate.


Anyone who is unable to see this, is in my opinion,. being naive.

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Hiya, again TL.


I would be prepared to, confidently, state that I understand all of the above better than yourself. Feel free to question me further for confirmation.


Since, however, you have shown yourself unable to, even, deduce that my name isn't Jack it would appear pointless to engage with you further.


If, however, you choose, by answering the direct questions I have posed you, to prove me wrong I'd be delighted to re-engage. If not I'm afraid that, like most other posters, I'll have to continue to consider you to be a bit of an idiot.




You were implying you too own government bonds , I'm telling you you are a very small fish in a big pond ,

The real purchasing of bonds is done by the banks them selves , or private groups ,


Yes I'm sure your name is not rake , can't your arArrogance see that I'm making light humour of your chosen two letter avatar ! Will you try and gain points next will you check my spelling ?



So again which of the two are you supporting ? The bond issue or the most important fractional reserve system ?


Or will you like my other avatar followers start to play a little silly and claim we don't pay any interest on our BoE produced currency?

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By serving as excess labour thereby driving its cost down and enriching the users of the resulting cheap labour. Indirect but a contribution nonetheless.


I agree the unemployed do help to keep labour costs down, but only if they are prepared to work, and the business owner then passes some of these saving onto the consumer.

I was saying they don't help to pay the interest on the debt; they just help to increase the debt by receiving free services.

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lol, true unless he got a part time job to earn £5. for his cigs he wont...


you are right...


so your point is? only the hardworking , or the population with a job work off our national debt?


( debt slaves? )


the middle class are there to make the economy go round and round , carry on making the bankers richer and richer


our hard work generates taxes which is then used to pay of the interests to the banks..


the poor are there to scare and keep the middle class motivated? lol


Even if he got a job to earn £5 he still wouldn’t contribute enough to pay for the services he uses so he wouldn’t be helping to decrease the debt, his continued existence only helps to increase the debt because the government has to provide him with free health care and other free stuff.

Our hard work generates taxes to help pay for the services we use.

The people at the bottom do have a choice, they don’t have to work, so don’t have to help keep the people at the top wealthy.

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I don't pretend to understand the ins and outs of the present banking system, but there again, I believe that to be a deliberate ploy - we're not supposed to understand it. That way they can get away with all sorts and have been doing exactly that, which has left us in this dreadful position. And it's still going on. Regulation, what little there's been, has been proved toothless.


And I don't believe half of those spouting off on here understand it either otherwise they would have said something before the crash. There were plenty of people trying to raise the alarm. Maybe they were too busy declaring that banks never fail, and nothing is as safe as the Bank of England. Maybe they were busy agreeing when we were being told that Gordon Brown was the best chancellor ever, and was personally responsible for our unprecedented 'wealth'


What I do believe is we are being lied to on a daily basis, and some people are getting very rich indeed on the back of the austerity measures in the current financial climate.


Anyone who is unable to see this, is in my opinion,. being naive.


the private banking cartel is the head of the snake , just read the presidential quotes I gave earlier , Thoses people knew what it ment for future generations ,

Free western nations became indented too private corporations more or less right away,


Money should be created by the government debt free , not by private banks who make vast amounts of profit by adding interest too it ,


** "The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from it's profits or so dependant on it's favors, that there will be no opposition from that class." — Rothschild Brothers of London, 1863

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Kings never were charged interest on the printing of money. Nobody has ever been charged interest on the printing of money!


Did you read my link too how the BoE loanded the money for the war with France ?


Can you now please say , ahh I was wrong in thinking what I said , thanks for the heads up ?


That's something what I would say when some one points out a fact for me ?

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i don't know why you are so obsessed with the federal reserve bank, they are american, we are british, we don't care what they do anymore


I have no idea why you said that ?


However you must admit our banking sector is very closely linked to the American one ?


However we both have the same central bank system , just that American system is a more obvious fake ,




Federal reserve is a private bank

Fed has never been audited

When congress asked fed " were did the bail out money go "

Federal reserve chairman turned around and told the ameican congress you don't need to know !


Like my presediental quotes confirm : the private Fed is more powerful then the government ,

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