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Are the parent/s at fault if their child cowers when being chastised?

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As far as i know my daughter has never been struck. If the need arises to shout at her she accepts it but never cringes/crouches. I do not believe i have ever scared her.


Having said that. I believe each person is different. No doubt it is in some children's instincts to cringe when they fell threatened.

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But cats react that way to all noises don't they. It's a natural instinct, it serves as a survival mechanism.


Quite so. A cat considers anything that is moving to be alive, and anything alive which is bigger than itself to be dangerous. (Its own keepers are a notable exception.)


The point, though, is that children and animals cower away from things they think are dangerous, not just from things that actually are.

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Maybe, maybe not. Some parents can be overzealous and overdo it with the discipline, and some kids are just extra sensitive.


The flip side of the child who cowers is the kid who takes a verbal bollocking without batting an eye. Makes you wonder what goes on in their home or if they're a future San Quentin inmate.

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