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Will Clegg resign if AV is rejected?

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can anyone tell me whats the point of Nick Clegg. The man has sold his sole for a bit of power and is out of his depth and its time him and his loony party went to the opposition backbenches where they belong

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As Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg used as part of his justification for joining up with the Conservatives, the prize of electoral reform, if as seems possible, the voters vote no to the Alternative Vote system, will the only honourable course of action for Clegg, be to resign from his leadership of the party to make way for a less Conservative-friendly leader?



in this life....everything is about first past the post.....we all like a winner....pity our football team don't favour that system...

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in this life....everything is about first past the post.....we all like a winner....pity our football team don't favour that system...



Sadly I can't see the Owls or Blades prospering under any elecotral system yet know to man!

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can anyone tell me whats the point of Nick Clegg. The man has sold his sole for a bit of power and is out of his depth and its time him and his loony party went to the opposition backbenches where they belong



its just like those people heading for britain....they see the grass is greener...he was never going to get power while flogging the dead horse of the liberals...and for once in his life...he fancied being on the winning team...cannot blame him for that...and get himself a nice safe seat somewhere in england...and live the highlife....just like all polititions...money grabbers the lot....we all would given the chance...

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can anyone tell me whats the point of Nick Clegg. The man has sold his sole for a bit of power and is out of his depth and its time him and his loony party went to the opposition backbenches where they belong



His only reason point is keeping Smarmy Dave and his millionaire pals in power.

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Guest sibon

I can't see Clegg resigning over a decision taken by the British public. He's delivered on the referendum, that is his job done. He had to keep one promise, didn't he?


If the vote is no, the Lib Dems will become a very interesting party. Thus far, many moderate Lib Dems have toed the party line, for a simple reason: PR is the ultimate prize for them as they have most to gain from it. If they can't even get AV past the electorate, I suspect that many activists will question the benefit of staying inside the coalition.


We have all seen the stress that the referendum campaign has placed upon the coalition. A no vote will increase that stress, not at Westminster, but in the grassroots of the party.

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