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Pubs what's happening to them.

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For me its the quality of the beer and availability of real ale. If its the usual mass produced rubbish on offer I go elsewhere, as I'm not paying £2.40 and upwards for Carling, Carlsberg or Guinness. I'd much rather pay the same or more to a local real ale brewer.
Im not a real ale fan myself most of the best pubs in the past were keg or cask and that was always a good quaffing beer served in over sized glasses with a nice big fluffy head,Wards Stones Whitbreads all local beers nice and cheap, clubs pubs all served keg beers,trad beer as it was called was usually found in some little country pub and it usually looked and tasted like mud ,the whole real ale thing came in to nip people out of a few pence by serving them in flat pint glasses,having said that if its looked after properly by a good landlord real ale can be very nice.
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Neither do I. Just better to get the lads round and get a couple of `babs. Pubs are dead now, no atmos. So whats the point in going.


I think that that was one of the issues. Now there is breathable atmosphere.



If the smoking ban as many say is the reason for pubs losing its clientèle then can anyone tell me how many people handed in their job resignation. And why has shops/malls and the like increased in foot traffic?

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I read in CAMRA that Real Ale was the only one increasing in sales, and its not hard to see why, the brewers are making some amazing ales.


The community of drinkers is really friendly and you can strike up a conversation with anyone in a pub about ale! I'm amazed at how many people travel around the North visiting pubs, there's this really nice old pair of blokes from Merseyside who go to Sheffield every Thursday to drink!


And the brewers are great too. I emailed a local brewery earlier to let them know what I thought of two of their ales that I tried on Monday and 45 minutes later the MD himself replied and thanked me!

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I read in CAMRA that Real Ale was the only one increasing in sales, and its hot hard to see why, the brewers are making some amazing ales.


My bold.


I prefer real ale myself, but crikey you must really like it!



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I read in CAMRA that Real Ale was the only one increasing in sales, and its hot hard to see why, the brewers are making some amazing ales.


The community of drinkers is really friendly and you can strike up a conversation with anyone in a pub about ale! I'm amazed at how many people travel around the North visiting pubs, there's this really nice old pair of blokes from Merseyside who go to Sheffield every Thursday to drink!


And the brewers are great too. I emailed a local brewery earlier to let them know what I thought of two of their ales that I tried on Monday and 45 minutes later the MD himself replied and thanked me!

A lot of these little micro brewery's make some nice ales the commercial station road chapletown has a good selection of real ales Iv,e tried a few there
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generic pubs are going down. even proximity to your customers doesn't guarantee they'll come to you these days. people can't go out as much so when they do they want to go to a place they like. the real ale pubs, African, Polish, Afro Caribbean pubs etc are turning up too and doing some pretty good trade. all that have a niche seem to be ok.

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A few years ago I used to run a pub in Telford and it was packed every night, there was at least six pubs in the neighbourhood all of them busy every night of the week,me and the missus went for a nostalgic look around at the week end and the pub was boarded up and a car wash had established itself in the car park, the next pub was an Indian eating house the next one old people's flats, its the same every where you go all the pubs closing down some of these pubs where the centre of the community for hundreds of years, why know is that is so different from the past that all these pubs are closing down, we've been through harder times than now in the past.




Pub companies charging extortionate rents which force up beer prices.

Supermarkets charging 1/3 of the price for beer.

A massive increase in competition from wine bars, cafe bars and clubs.

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Here are the reasons why pubs are closing down:


Enterprise Inns

Punch Taverns

Trust Inns

Admiral Taverns


and many more pub companies. Basically, if a pubs starts to show a profit they raise rents and beer prices for the land lord, basically making it more and more difficult for the landlord to make a profit and keep the pub financially viable. A lot of pubs are dingy horrible places that havent seen a lick of paint or new carpet for ages, landlords can not afford to do anything because of the amount they pay out. Prices of £3+ a pint are not uncommon in locals now and this will get worse until they all close.


It's also almost as if the pub co's want them to close, it could have something to do with repeatedly selling fixtures / fittings / good will etc each time a pub re-opens. Also, a lot of the pub co's are heavily in debt and now appear to be seriously shrinking their portfolios.


As well as the above, duty on alcohol, cheap supermarket prices, and the fact a lot of people are skint!

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