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Cameron's "Calm Down Dear!"

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It's a catchphrase used by a lot of people, Cameron probably found it handy to reply with it to save having to think of something else lol


I'd say definitely, he'd been caught on the hoof by Milliband's new tactic of deflecting the old 'it's all Labour's fault' garbage, by him asserting that Cameron has been in power for over a year now. Milliband did very well today, and that's all Cameron could manage to come back with, after he'd implied 'the Doctor' had been ousted by the Tory opposition, which was a load of bunkum also. Looking at how red faced Cameron was, it'll be his Dr advising him to calm down.:hihi:

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It's a pity he had to resort to copying a phrase from a rather naff TV ad. I would have been more impressed if he'd come up with some original.


I would have thought the EMA/Winter fuel allowance/disability benefit- snatching, bank and big business slave would have have preferred, 'Every little helps'.:hihi:

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I have to say, if I'm right about Ed Miliband's expression then it's raised my sense of respect for him immeasurably. It looked like he saw it as quite a funny bit of banter, whilst Balls was trying to make something more of it than there was.



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What do people think of David Cameron telling a female MP to "calm down dear" during Prime Ministers Questions?




Certainly not the end of the world, but it's not something that I would ever dream of saying to a colleague in the workplace.


The relevant part of this is when the speaker says there is far too much noise in this chamber which makes a very bad impression for the public, they act like a bunch of childish school children.

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The relevant part of this is when the speaker says there is far too much noise in this chamber which makes a very bad impression for the public, they act like a bunch of childish school children.


Which is precisely what they are. I wouldn't trust any of them to tie their own shoelaces.

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