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Article in The Independent: Thanks to Cameron, more men like this will die

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So where has the money come from for various things? Thin air? Has the Government been secretly printing it?


They are still borrowing it and have to decide where best to spend what they borrow.

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There was no evidence, just a quoted study. What the study is of and what the results are we don't know from what was provided. The Independant writer simply cobbled together lots of unrelated items into a piece. The comments section has him rumbled.


Our OP doesn't know his AFR from his elbow and he cares still less. He's making cheap political points and no more.


Had you googled his name you would have found the study on page 2 like I did, but of course you would much rather defend the Tories and rubbish an article promoting workers safety. Why the knee jerk reaction?


As for why industry wants this... well an Australian study gives one reason, the costs of peoples lives are offset for them, it is the tax-payer and the employees that suffer the costs of a lack of regulation and complaince:


"When you look only at the flesh and blood, anguish and tears burden you get a sobering picture of who is bearing the cost of hazardous workplaces. The study concluded: “In terms of the burden to economic agents, 3 per cent of the total cost is borne by employers, 49 per cent by workers and 47 per cent by the community.”



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I also find it tiresome having to remind people that Labour spent too much money.


Well may be if it was true you might have a point. The problems we are facing internationally have nothing to do with Labour's spending and everything to do with a lack of corrupt, short term business models and a lack of effective regulation of the banking industry.


Do you notice a theme developing in relation to this thread?

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They are still borrowing it and have to decide where best to spend what they borrow.


And H&S regulation and enforcement should be a priority because it saves the tax payer money, because looking at it purely in financial terms it is us, the tax payer that picks up the costs to the NHS and in incapacity claims for those injured at work. And since we are looking at costs also of those killed like a friend of mine, before the age of 30, 35 years of lost tax returns.

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No but I've noticed a theme in your posts - everything labour does is good, everything the conservatives do is bad.


Is your world really that black and white or are you just another left wing troll?


Maybe you should read my links, rather than just contributing without engaging your brain, and you will see Labour faces plenty of criticism too. FACK was setup in 2005 not to defend the current situation but to promote a sensible approach in opposition to Labour's cuts and business lies on workers safety.

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Well may be if it was true you might have a point. The problems we are facing internationally have nothing to do with Labour's spending and everything to do with a lack of corrupt, short term business models and a lack of effective regulation of the banking industry.


Do you notice a theme developing in relation to this thread?


Yes - Labour spent too much money and now we have to pay the price for that. The blame here get's laid firmly at Labour's door as they - as always spent massive amounts of pointless social engineering to no effect and it's once again up to the Conservatives to dig the country out of the mire.


I always knew that the election would bring out people squealing about how nasty the Tories were - I never expected them to be as evil as you are to use someones death to try and smear some party you didn't like. I guess with your history of thinking violence solves scabs though I shouldnt really be surprised.

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Well may be if it was true you might have a point. The problems we are facing internationally have nothing to do with Labour's spending and everything to do with a lack of corrupt, short term business models and a lack of effective regulation of the banking industry.


Do you notice a theme developing in relation to this thread?

So it wasn’t Gordon’s fault then:huh:

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Yes - Labour spent too much money and now we have to pay the price for that. The blame here get's laid firmly at Labour's door as they - as always spent massive amounts of pointless social engineering to no effect and it's once again up to the Conservatives to dig the country out of the mire.


I always knew that the election would bring out people squealing about how nasty the Tories were - I never expected them to be as evil as you are to use someones death to try and smear some party you didn't like. I guess with your history of thinking violence solves scabs though I shouldnt really be surprised.


I exposed your lies about that before. You said you had dropped it... just another lie to add to the rest.

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You seem to have completely misunderstood the context of the study.


A quick google and here it is:



I will look at the other points later when I have time.


:lol: What a howler!


That report is dated 2005, and discusses the already changing landscape of H&S policy over the last few years prior to 2005, mainly a change in emphesis and focus away from inspection & enforcement towards preventative methods such as education.


Just a reminder, Labour were in government in those years.


Whilst I'm sure it's all very interesting, I really can't be reading the whole 118 pages or the 47 page reply from HSE also dated 2005, without dropping into a deep sleep.


All I can say more is I have to agree with Tony, this is nothing more than trying to falsly tug at peoples heart strings to whip up opposition against the Tories. The fact is cuts are being made to all sorts of services, many of which are invloved in life and death situations. Those services have to decide how to use their own budgets to best serve the public.

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