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Article in The Independent: Thanks to Cameron, more men like this will die

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So it wasn’t Gordon’s fault then:huh:


FGS we covered all this before..... your articles don't back up what you are saying and it has nothing to do with the thread.


Are you trying to derail the thread because you like to see businesses profit whilst they offset the costs of endangering and damaging the lives of their workers?

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about time we got rid of all this health and safety rubbish...can remember working in steelworks all those years ago...and workers were dying every day because they did not have a stupid yellow vest on.....and the brickies falling to their deaths in thousands because they didnt scaffold them in when building a six foot wall....get rid of the h and s....exectatives...


Eastbank, for your information the person I know that died at work was a roofer. He died precisely because scaffolding or a harness was not provided.


I find your comments deeply distasteful and stupid at the best of times and this time is no exception.

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:lol: What a howler!


That report is dated 2005, and discusses the already changing landscape of H&S policy over the last few years prior to 2005, mainly a change in emphesis and focus away from inspection & enforcement towards preventative methods such as education.


Just a reminder, Labour were in government in those years.


Whilst I'm sure it's all very interesting, I really can't be reading the whole 118 pages or the 47 page reply from HSE also dated 2005, without dropping into a deep sleep.


All I can say more is I have to agree with Tony, this is nothing more than trying to falsly tug at peoples heart strings to whip up opposition against the Tories. The fact is cuts are being made to all sorts of services, many of which are invloved in life and death situations. Those services have to decide how to use their own budgets to best serve the public.


What are you on about? Why does the fact Labour cut the H&S staffing for example by about 10% over 10 years .... justify the Tories making 35% cuts over the next 3?


Why does it justify them moving from enforcement to businesses self regulating?


It doesn't... You are just desperate to defend the indefensible and are dragging up nonsense arguments and slapping yourself on the back for doing it. :rolleyes:

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FGS we covered all this before..... your articles don't back up what you are saying and it has nothing to do with the thread.


Are you trying to derail the thread because you like to see businesses profit whilst they offset the costs of endangering and damaging the lives of their workers?


I know it’s nothing to do with the thread and they are not my articles, but they do back up what I say.


This was on topic.


I would think they are cutting the HSE budget because Labour spent all the money and there isn't enough left to pay for things like this.


This was off topic but was answering my post.


Yet another who has fallen for the Tory "there's no money, we're broke, everyone has to cutback" line.


If there isn't any money where did the cash for our intervention in Libya come from, thin air?


It is a choice that Governments make as to what to spend our money on. It is always a choice.


This was supporting my claims why money as been cut from HSE and was answering the above post.


Labour's gross mismanagement of the economy was laid bare today after it was revealed a former minister left his successor a note that said 'there was no money left'.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1279043/George-Osborne-deliver-emergency-Budget-June-22.html#ixzz1Kp2k1VQt


Labour minister Liam Byrne left note on desk: ‘There’s no money left’


Labour's warning to new Government: 'there's no money left'


This was unnesasary.


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I know it’s nothing to do with the thread and they are not my articles, but they do back up what I say.


This was on topic.


This was off topic but was answering my post.


This was supporting my claims why money as been cut from HSE and was answering the above post.


This was unnesasary.


Which still makes it false. The crisis we are facing is not because of public spending, it is because the banks screwed up. What is unnecessary is bringing irrelevant arguments on to this thread.


And on topic.... regardless of the causes for cost cutting in Govt. cutting back on H&S regulation stores up costs for the tax payer in the future. It is a false economy that costs lives and costs the tax payer.

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Which still makes it false. The crisis we are facing is not because of public spending, it is because the banks screwed up.


Hmmm, so Gordon Brown as Chancellor didn't run up massive defecits then even before the credit crisis and recession?

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Which still makes it false. The crisis we are facing is not because of public spending, it is because the banks screwed up.


In part yes and because Gordon Brown screwed up and spent to much.

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