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Convenience Store Has Minimum Amount For Card Transaction

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While out and about today I called into a convenience store for a few bits to snack on. I took them to the counter and produced my card to insert into the chip and pin machine.


S/K (shop keeper): “ Sorry boss, it come to £3.31. Can only use card for £3.50 or more. You got cash my man?”


MOS (me): “I don’t carry cash, look at my car parked out there, I daren’t risk it with the attention I get. Do you know who I am?”


S/K: “No bro’ but I know you av’ to buy something’ else worth at least 19p if you wanna use that platinum card.”


MOS: “I am already paying over the odds for this out of date tripe and I haven’t even begun to barter with you yet!”


S/K: “ You got cash?”


MOS: “NO!”


The shop keeper then picked two 10p lollies out of a tub and plonked them in front of me. I didn’t want the lollies but it was the only way I could use my card to buy the goods. I will never use that shop again after he stole from me for being 19p short of his “made up” card limit.


The lollies are in my kitchen cupboard and will remain there uneaten as a protest to this form of daylight robbery.


This would not happen in Waitrose. :mad:



So we take it, you have a flash motor and are someone well known and you have a platinum card.


Blowing own trumpet.

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Credit card users cost UK retailers 480 million pounds a year in processing fees:




I won't be shedding a tear, it cost me 19p for two poxy lolly pops that I didn't even want. I haven't got to where I am today by throwing money around with wild abandon you know!:mad:

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Try offering a Platinum Amex in Sheffield for payment, they just don't understand your self imposed status. I personally just asses the situation and go to the cash machine and draw out cash accordingly, a little thought and pre planning goes a long way.

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Try offering a Platinum Amex in Sheffield for payment, they just don't understand your self imposed status. I personally just asses the situation and go to the cash machine and draw out cash accordingly, a little thought and pre planning goes a long way.


Drawing cash from a cash machine is not really something I care to take part in, but I can see how it might appeal to some members of society.

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So we take it, you have a flash motor and are someone well known and you have a platinum card.


Blowing own trumpet.


That's his only reason for starting this thread. MOS likes to remind us all just how wealthy he is with his house in magazines, 3 gardeners, fancy car, platinum card private lane blah blah blah :roll:

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Drawing cash from a cash machine is not really something I care to take part in, but I can see how it might appeal to some members of society.


The members of society that can actually draw cash off debit cards, rather than those who can only live on credit. It's the crunch you know!

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