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The coming Great World War (WWIII)

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OK dabuckle. Name us some names. Who is going to run this New World Order? Why do they want to make us all easier to control? What will this NWO do when it has us all under control?


Please don't refer me back to your silly Youtube clips. I've had my fill of shouty Americans and idiotic ex-sports journalists. Do it in your own words.


You're havin a laaarrf aint ya?


Out of ALL of the conspiracy threads, have ANY of the conspiracy fans EVER put their money where their mouth is and give any hard facts or evidence?


No. They just respond with links to poorly made youtube clips.


It's annoying that a thread I started, which is as relevant, credible and reasonable as any of these conspiracy threads, has been removed without any explanation (waiting to hear back from helpdesk now), but threads started by conspiracy fans remain in place.


It's annoying because these threads are, so far, a waste of time. One person will make an outrageous claim, usually in a sensationalised style (ie upper case, exclamation marks, question marks abound) Link you to one of the previously mentioned youtube clips, then offer no explanations or evidence other than general rumours. They respond with statements like "you'll see!" or "open your eyes to the truth!" but fail to actually show us this "truth".


It makes it VERY difficult to discuss/debate when there's nothing put forward to discuss/debate. So it turns into a slanging match.


Then the thread gets abandoned and they start another almost identical one.

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OK dabuckle. Name us some names. Who is going to run this New World Order? Why do they want to make us all easier to control? What will this NWO do when it has us all under control?


Please don't refer me back to your silly Youtube clips. I've had my fill of shouty Americans and idiotic ex-sports journalists. Do it in your own words.


George W. Bush

Bill Clinton

George H.W. Bush

Jimmy Carter

Gerald Ford

Richard Nixon

Dwight Eisenhower

Herbert Hoover

Dick Cheney (Vice-President)

Al Gore (Vice-President)



Warren Christopher

Robert Blackwill, Nat. Security Council – CFR Membership List, B

Lee Aspin (Deceased)

Frank H. T. Rhodes, Bd. Of Directors -- CFR

James B. Holderman, Bd. Of Directors -- CFR

D. Allen Bromley, Bd. Of Directors -- CFR

Colin L. Powell

Lori Murray, Arms Cont. & Disarm. Agency -- CFR

Lawrence Scheinman, Arms Cont. & Disarm. Agency -- CFR

Bruce Babbitt

Henry Cisneros

George Stephanopoulos, Director, Communications -- CFR

Willian J. Crowe, Chief Foreign Intelligence Advisory Bd. -- CFR

Nancy Soderberg, Staff Director, National Secuity Council -- CFR

Samuel R. Berger, Deputy Advisor, National Security -- CFR

W. Bowman Cutter, Deputy Assistant, National Economic Council -- CFR

Donna Shalala

Alice Rivlin, Deputy Director -- CFR

Roger Altman

Michael Nacht, Arms Cont. & Disarm. Agency -- CFR

William R. Graham, Jr., Science Advisor to President & Director -- CFR

Seth Hurwitz, White House, Advisory Committee -- CFR

Robert R. Glauber

James H. Billington, Librarian, Chmn. Trust Fund Board -- CFR

Ruth Ann Stewart, Asst. Librarian National Programs -- CFR

David C. Mulford

Mark Penn

Thomas Graham, Jr., General Council -- CFR Membership List

William Schneier, Chmn., General Advisory Council -- CFR

Richard Burt, Negotiator On Strategic Defense Arms -- CFR

David Smith, Negotiator, Defense & Space -- CFR

Robert M. Bestani

Condoleezza Rice

J. French Hill

John M. Niehuss



Strobe Talbott (Special Advisor For CIS) -- CFR Membership List

Thomas R. Pickering (Russia) -- CFR

Morton I. Abramowitz (Turkey) -- CFR

Michael H. Armacost (Japan) -- CFR

Shirly Temple Black (Czechoslovakia) -- CFR Membership List

Julia Chang Bloch (Nepal) -- CFR

Henry E. Catto, Jr. (Great Britain) -- CFR

Frances Cook (Camaroon) -- CFR

Edward P. Djerejian (Syria) -- CFR

Geoge E. Moose (Senegal) -- CFR

John D. Negroponte (Mexico) -- CFR Membership List

Edward N. Ney (Canada) -- CFR

Robert B. Oakley (Pakistan) -- CFR

Robert H. Pelletreau, Jr. (Tunisia) -- CFR

Christopher H. Phillips (Brunei) -- CFR

Nicholas Platt (Phillipines) -- CFR

James W. Spain (Maldives & Sri Lanka) -- CFR

Terence A. Todman (Argentina) -- CFR

Frank G. Wisner II (Egypt) -- CFR

Warren Zimmerman (Yugoslavia) -- CFR

Madeleine Albright, UN Amabassador -- CFR

Clifton Wharton, Jr., Deputy Sec. -- CFR

Lynn Davis, Under Sec. for International Security Affairs -- CFR, TC

Brandon H. Grove, Dir. of Foreign Service Institute -- CFR Membership List

H. Allen Holms, Asst. Sec., Bureau Of Politico-Military Affairs -- CFR

John H. Kelly, Asst. Sec., Near East-South Asian Affairs -- CFR

Alexander F. Watson, Deputy Rep., United Nations -- CFR

Jonathan Moore, UN Mission -- CFR

Joseph Verner Reed, Chief of Protocol -- CFR

Dennis B. Ross, Director, Policy Planning Staff -- CFR

Edward Perkins, Dir. of Personnel -- CFR

Abraham David Sofaer, Legal Advisor -- CFR

Peter Tanoff, Under Sec. for Political Affairs -- CFR, TC

Brian Atwood, Under Sec. For Management -- CFR

Joan E. Spero, Under Sec. Eco. & Ag. Affairs -- CFR

George E. Moose, Asst. Sec. African Affairs -- CFR

Winston Lord, Asst. Sec., East Asian & Pacific Affairs -- CFR, TC

Stephen A. Oxman, Asst. Sec., European Affairs -- CFR

Timothy E. Wirth, Counselor – CFR




Howard L. Berman (D-CA) -- CFR Membership List

Thomas S. Foley (D-WA) -- CFR

Sam Gejdenson (D-CT) -- CFR

Richard A. Gephardt (D-MO) -- CFR

Newton L. Gingrich (R-GA) -- CFR

Lee H. Hamilton (D-IN) -- TC

Amory Houghton, Jr. (R-NY) -- CFR

Nancy Lee Johnson (R-CT) -- CFR

Jim Leach (R-IA) -- TC

John Lewis (D-GA) -- CFR

Robert T. Matsui (D-CA) -- CFR

Dave K. Mccurdy (D-OK) -- CFR

Eleanor Homes Norton (D-DC) -- CFR Membership List

Thomas El Petri (R-WI) -- CFR

Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) -- TC

Carlos A. Romero-Barcelo (D-PR) -- CFR

Patricia Schroeder (D-CO) -- CFR

Peter Smith (R-VT) -- CFR

Olympia J. Snow (R-ME) -- CFR

John M. Spratt (D-SC) -- CFR

Louis Stokes (D-OH) – CFR

David L. Boren (D-OK) -- CFR

William Bradley (D-NJ) -- CFR

John H. Chafee (R-RI) -- CFR, TC

William S. Cohen (R-ME) -- CFR, TC

Christopher J. Dodd (D-CT) -- CFR

Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) -- TC

Bob Graham (D-FL) -- CFR

Joseph I. Lieberman (D-CT) -- CFR Membership List

George J. MiTChell (D-ME) -- CFR

Claiborne Pell (D-RI) -- CFR

Larry Pressler (R-SD) -- CFR

Charles S. Robb (D-VA) -- CFR, TC

John D. Rockefeller, IV (D-WV) -- CFR, TC

William Roth, Jr. (R-DE) -- CFR, TC




Sandra Day O'Connor, Assoc. Justice, U.S. Supreme Court -- CFR Membership List

Steve G. Breyer, Chief Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, First Circuit, Boston -- CFR

Ruth B. Ginsburg, U.S. Court Of Appeals, Wash., DC Circuit -- CFR

Laurence H. Silberman, U.S. Court of Appeals, Wash., DC Circuit – CFR




Chase Manhattan Corp.:

Thomas G. Labrecque, Chairman & CEO – CFR Membership List, TC

Robert R. Douglass, Vice Chairman -- CFR Membership List

Willard C. BuTCher, Dir. -- CFR

Richard W. Lyman, Dir. -- CFR

Joan Ganz Cooney, Dir. -- CFR

David T. Mclaughlin, Dir. -- CFR

Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., Dir. -- CFR

Henry B. Schacht, Dir. -- CFR

Chemical Bank:

Walter V. Shipley, Chairman -- CFR

Robert J. Callander, President -- CFR

William C. Pierce, Executive Officer -- CFR

Randolph W. Bromery, Dir. -- CFR

Charles W. Duncan, Jr., Dir. -- CFR

George V. Grune, Dir. -- CFR

Helen L. Kaplan, Dir. -- CFR

Lawrence G. Rawl, Dir. -- CFR

Michael I. Sovern, Dir. -- CFR

Richard D. Wood, Dir. -- CFR


John S. Reed. Chairman -- CFR

William R. Rhodes, Vice Chairman -- CFR

Richard S. Braddock, President -- CFR

John M. DeuTCh, Dir. -- CFR

Clifton C. Garvin, Jr., Dir -- CFR

C. Peter Mccolough, Dir. -- CFR

Rozanne L. Ridgeway, Dir. -- CFR

Franklin A. Thomas, Dir. -- CFR

First City Bancorp, Texas:

A. Robert Abboud, CEO -- CFR

Morgan Guaranty:

Lewis T. Preston, Chairman -- CFR

Bankers Trust New York Corporation:

Charles S. Stanford, Jr., Chairman -- CFR

Alfred Brittain III, Dir. -- CFR

Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., Dir -- CFR

Richard L. Gelb, Dir. -- CFR

Patricia Carry Stewart, Dir. -- CFR

First National Bank of Chicago:

Barry F. Sullivan -- TC

Manufacturers Hanover Directors:

Cyrus Vance -- CFR

G. Robert Durham -- CFR

George B. Munroe -- CFR

Marina V. N. Whitman -- CFR, TC

Charles J. Pilliod, Jr. -- CFR

Bank America:

Andrew F. Brimmer, Dir. -- CFR

Ignazio E. Lozano, Jr., Dir. -- CFR

Ruben F. Mettler, Dir. -- CFR

Securities & Exchange Commission:

Michael D. Mann, Dir. International Affairs -- CFR




Alan Greenspan, ChairmaN – CFR Membership List, TC

E. Gerald Corrigan, V. Chmn./Pres. NY Fed. Res. Bank -- CFR

Richard N. Cooper, Chmn. Boston Fed. Res. Bank -- CFR

Sam Y. Cross, Manager, Foreign Open Market Acct. -- CFR

Robert F. Erburu, Chmn. San Francisco Fed. Res. Bank -- CFR

Robert P. Forrestal, Pres. Atlanta Fed. Res. Bank -- CFR

Bobby R. Inman, Chmn., Dallas Fed. Res. Bank -- CFR, TC

Robert H. Knight, Esq. -- CFR

Steven Muller -- CFR

John R. Opel -- CFR

Anthony M. Solomon -- CFR, TC

Edwin M. Truman, Staff Dir. International Finance -- CFR

Cyrus R. Vance -- CFR

Paul Volcker -- CFR, TC



Laurence A. Tisch, CEO -- CFR Membership List

Roswell Gilpatric -- CFR

James Houghton -- CFR, TC

Henry Schacht -- CFR, TC

Dan Rather -- CFR

Richard Hottelet -- CFR

Frank Stanton -- CFR


John F. Welch, CEO -- CFR

Jane Pfeiffer -- CFR

Lester Crystal -- CFR, TC

R.W. Sonnenfeidt -- CFR, TC

John Petty -- CFR

David Brinkley -- CFR

John Chancellor -- CFR

Marvin Kalb -- CFR

Irving R. Levine -- CFR

Herbert Schlosser -- CFR

Peter G. Peterson -- CFR

John Sawhill -- CFR


Thomas S. Murphy, CEO -- CFR

Barbara Walters -- CFR

John Connor -- CFR

Diane Sawyer -- CFR

John Scall -- CFR

Public Broadcast Service:

Robert Mcneil -- CFR

Jim Lehrer -- CFR

C. Hunter-Gault -- CFR

Hodding Carter III -- CFR

Daniel Schorr -- CFR

Associated Press:

Stanley Swinton -- CFR

Harold Anderson -- CFR

Katharine Graham -- CFR, TC


Michael Posner -- CFR

Baltimore Sun:

Henry Trewhitt -- CFR

Washington Times:

Arnaud De Borchgrave -- CFR

Children's TV Workshop (Sesame Street):

Joan Ganz Cooney, Pres. -- CFR

Cable News Network:

W. Thomas Johnson, Pres. -- TC

Daniel Schorr -- CFR

U.S. News & World Report:

David Gergen -- TC

New York Times Co.:

Richard Gelb -- CFR

William Scranton -- CFR, TC

John F. Akers, Dir. -- CFR

Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., Dir. -- CFR

George B. Munroe, Dir. -- CFR

Donald M. Stewart, Dir. -- CFR

Cyrus R. Vance, Dir. -- CFR

A.M. Rosenthal -- CFR

Seymour Topping -- CFR

James Greenfield -- CFR

Max Frankel -- CFR

Jack Rosenthal -- CFR

John Oakes -- CFR

Harrison Salisbury -- CFR

H.L. Smith -- CFR

Steven Rattner -- CFR

Richard Burt -- CFR

Flora Lewis -- CFR

Time, Inc.:

Ralph Davidson -- CFR

Donal M. Wilson -- CFR

Henry Grunwald -- CFR

Alexander Heard -- CFR

Sol Linowitz -- CFR

Thomas Watson, Jr. -- CFR

Strobe Talbott -- CFR

Newsweek/Washington Post:

Katharine Graham -- CFR

N. Deb. Katzenbach -- CFR

Robert Christopher -- CFR

Osborne Elliot -- CFR

Phillip Geyelin -- CFR

Murry Marder -- CFR

Maynard Parker -- CFR

George Will -- CFR, TC

Robert Kaiser -- CFR

Meg Greenfield -- CFR

Walter Pincus -- CFR

Murray Gart -- CFR

Peter Osnos -- CFR

Don Oberdorfer -- CFR

Dow Jones & Co (Wall Street Journal):

Richard Wood -- CFR

Robert Bartley -- CFR, TC

Karen House -- CFR

National Review:

Wm. F. Buckley, Jr. -- CFR

Readers Digest:

George V. Grune, CEO -- CFR

William G. Bowen, Dir. -- CFR

Syndicated Columnists

Geogia Anne Geyer -- CFR

Ben J. Wattenberg – CFR




Department Of Defense:

Les Aspin, Secretary of Defense -- CFR Membership List

Frank G. Wisnerll, Under Secretary for Policy -- CFR

Henry S. Rowen, Asst. Sec., International Security Affairs -- CFR

Judy Ann Miller, Dep. Asst. Sec. Nuclear Forces & Arms Control -- CFR

W. Bruce Weinrod, Dep. Asst. Sec., Europe & NATO -- CFR

Adm. Seymour Weiss, Chairman, Defense Policy Board -- CFR

Charles M. Herzfeld, Dir. Defense Research & Engineering -- CFR

Andrew W. Marshall, Dir., Net Assessment -- CFR

Michael P. W. Stone, Secretary of the Army -- CFR

Donald B. Rice, Secretary of the Air Force -- CFR

Franklin C. Miller, Dep. Asst. Sec. Nuclear Forces & Arms Control -- CFR

Allied Supreme Commanders:

1949-52 Eisenhower -- CFR Membership List

1952-53 Ridgeway -- CFR

1953-56 Gruenther -- CFR

1956-63 Norstad -- CFR

1963-69 Lemnitzer -- CFR

1969-74 Goodpaster -- CFR

1974-79 Haig -- CFR

1979-87 Rogers -- CFR, TC

Superintendents of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point:

1960-63 Westmoreland -- CFR Membership List

1963-66 Lampert -- CFR

1966-68 Bennett -- CFR

1970-74 Knowlton -- CFR

1974-77 Berry -- CFR

1977-81 Goodpaster -- CFR

CFR Military Fellows, 1991:

Col. William M. Drennan, Jr., USAF -- CFR

Col. Wallace C. Gregson, USMC -- CFR

Col. Jack B. Wood, USA -- CFR

CFR Military Fellows, 1992:

Col. David M. Mize, USMC -- CFR Membership List

Col. John P. Rose, USA -- CFR

Joint Chiefs of Staff:

Gen. Colin L. Powell, Chairman -- CFR

Gen. Carl E. Vuono, Army -- CFR

Gen. John T. Chain, Co Sac -- CFR

Gen. Merril A. Mcpeak, Co Pac AF -- CFR

Lt. Gen. George L. Butler, Dir. Strategic Plans & Policy -- CFR

Lt. Gen. Charles T. Boyd, Com. Air Univ. -- CFR

Lt. Gen. Bradley C. Hosmer, AF Inspector General -- CFR

Secretaries of Defense:

1957-59 Mcelroy -- CFR Membership List

1959-61 Gates -- CFR

1961-68 McNamara -- CFR, TC

1969-73 Laird -- CFR

1973-75 Richardson -- CFR, TC

1975-77 Rumsfeld -- CFR

1977-80 Brown -- CFR, TC

1980-88 Weinberger -- CFR, TC

1988- Carlucci -- CFR

1988- Cheney -- CFR

Additional Military:

Mg R.C. Bowman -- CFR Membership List

Bg F. Brown -- CFR

Lt Col W. Clark -- CFR

Adm Wm. Crowe -- CFR

Col P. M. Dawkins -- CFR

V. Adm. Thor Hanson -- CFR

Col W. Hauser -- CFR

Maj R. Kimmitt -- CFR

Gen W. Knowlton -- CFR

V. Adm J. Lee -- CFR

Col D. Mead -- CFR

Mg Jack Merritt -- CFR

Gen E. Meyer -- CFR

Col Wm. E. Odom -- CFR

Col L. Olvey -- CFR

Col Geo. K. Osborn -- CFR

Mg J. Pustay -- CFR

Lg E.L. Rowny -- CFR

Capt Gary Sick -- CFR

Mg De Witt Smith -- CFR

Bg Perry Smith -- CFR

Ltg Wm. Y. Smith -- CFR

Col W. Taylor -- CFR

Adm S. Turner -- CFR

Mg J. Welch -- CFR

Gen J. Wickham – CFR



More in next post....

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OK dabuckle. Name us some names. Who is going to run this New World Order? Why do they want to make us all easier to control? What will this NWO do when it has us all under control?


Please don't refer me back to your silly Youtube clips. I've had my fill of shouty Americans and idiotic ex-sports journalists. Do it in your own words.



University Professors:

Graham Allison, Prof. Of Gov., Harvard Univ. -- TC

Zbigniew Brzezinski, Prof., Johns Hopkins -- TC

Gerald L. Curtis, Prof. Poli Sci, Columbia Univ. -- TC

Martin S. Feldstein, Prof. Econ, Harvard Univ. -- TC

Richard N. Gardner, Prof. Law, Columbia Univ. -- TC

Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Prof. Int'l Affairs, Harvard Univ. -- TC

Robert D. Putnam, Prof. Politics, Havard Univ. -- TC

Henry Rosovsky, Prof. Harvard Univ. -- TC

Geoge P. Shultz, Hon. Fellow, Stanford Univ. -- TC

Lester C. Thorow, Dean, Sloan School if Mgmt., MIT -- TC

Paul Volcker, Prof. Int'l Econ., Princeton Univ -- TC

College & University Presidents:

Robert H. Edwards, Bowdoin College -- CFR

Vartan Gregorian, Brown University -- CFR

Hanna Holbom Gray, University of Chicago -- CFR

Joseph S. Murphy, City Univ. of NY -- CFR

Michael I. Sovern, Columbia Univ. -- CFR

Andrew J. Nathan, Columbia Univ. -- CFR

Everette Dennis, Jr., Columbia Univ. -- CFR

Harriet Zuckerman, Columbia Univ. -- CFR

Frank H.T. Rhodes, Cornell University -- CFR

Kurt Gottfried, Cornell University – CFR

Carl Edward Sagan, Cornell University -- CFR

James T. Laney, Emory University -- CFR

Rev. Joseph A. O'Hare, Fordham Univ. -- CFR

Thomas Ehrlich, Indiana Univ. -- CFR

Steven Muller, Johns Hopkins Univ. -- CFR

Alice S. Iichman, Sarah Lawrence College -- CFR

Edward T. Foote, II, University Of Miami -- CFR

S. Frederick Starr, Oberlin College -- CFR, TC

Joseph Duffey, Chans., Univ. Of Mass. -- CFR

John M. DeuTCh, Institute Professor, MIT -- CFR, TC

Lester C. Thurow, Dean, Sloan Sch., MIT -- CFR

Bernard Harleston, City College of NY -- CFR

John Brademus, New York University -- CFR, TC

Wesley W. Posvar, University of Pittsburg -- CFR

Harold T. Shapiro, Princeton University -- CFR

Charles W. Duncan, Jr., Chmn, Rice University -- CFR

Dennis O'Brien, Univ. Of Rochester -- CFR

David Baltimore, Rockefeller University -- CFR

Donald Dennedy, Stanford University -- CFR

Richard Wall Lyman, Pres. Em., Stanford -- CFR

Hans M. Mark, Chancellor, Univ. of Texas -- CFR

Robert H. Donaldson, Univ. of Tulsa -- CFR

Stephen J. Trachtenberg, George Washington Univ. -- CFR

William H. Danforth, Washington University, St. Louis -- CFR

John D. Wilson, Washington & Lee University -- CFR

Nannerl O. Keohane, Wellesley University – CFR


Madeleine K. Albright, Principal, The Albright Group LLC, Washington, DC; former U.S. Secretary of State

Graham Allison, Director, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

G. Allen Andreas, Chairman and Chief Executive, Archer Daniels Midland Company, Decatur, IL

Michael H. Armacost, Shorenstein Distinguished Fellow, Asia/Pacific Research Center, Stanford University, Hillsborough, CA; former President, The Brookings Institution; former U.S. Ambassador to Japan; former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs

Charlene Barshefsky, Senior International Partner, Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering, Washington, DC; former U.S. Trade Representative

Alan R. Batkin, Vice Chairman, Kissinger Associates, New York, NY

Doug Bereuter, President, The Asia Foundation, San Francisco, CA; former Member, U.S. House of Representatives

*C. Fred Bergsten, Director, Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC; former U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs

Catherine Bertini, Professor of Public Administration, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY; former Under-Secretary-General for Management, United Nations

Dennis C. Blair, USN (Ret.), President and Chief Executive Officer, Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA; former Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Command

Herminio Blanco Mendoza, Private Office of Herminio Blanco, Mexico City, NL; former Mexican Secretary of Commerce and Industrial Development

Geoffrey T. Boisi, Chairman & Senior Partner, Roundtable Investment Partners LLC, New York, NY; former Vice Chairman, JPMorgan Chase, New York, NY

Stephen W. Bosworth, Dean, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Medford, MA; former U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Korea

David G. Bradley, Chairman, Atlantic Media Company, Washington, DC

Harold Brown, Counselor, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC; General Partner, Warburg Pincus & Company, New York, NY; former U.S. Secretary of Defense

*Zbigniew Brzezinski, Counselor, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC; Robert Osgood Professor of American Foreign Affairs, Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University; former U.S. Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs



From the Bilderberg 'Information' pamphlet - available free from the Bilderberg Office in Leiden, Netherlands.

National totals of the 35 (34 men & 1 woman?) total steering group members:


USA 8*; Germany 4*; Great Britain 3*; Italy 3*; France 2; Switzerland 2*; Austria 1; Belgium 1; Canada 1; Denmark 1; Finland 1; Greece 1; Ireland 1; Netherlands 1; Norway 1; Portugal 1; Spain 1; Sweden 1; Turkey 1.


*One aspiring 'International citizen', Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, is Italian and one, Klaus Schwab, is Swiss (totals include 'inner circle' advisory group).

Members Advisory Group

Or 'inner circle'


Italy - Giovanni Agnelli


Great Britain - Eric Roll of Ipsden


USA - David Rockefeller


Germany (D)- Otto Wolff von Amerongen



Steering Committee

The 31 national BB 'outer circle' Steering Group Representatives:



Great Britain - J. Martin Taylor

Chairman, WH Smith Group PLC;

International Advisor, Goldman Sachs International



Belguim - Etienne Davignon

Vice Chairman, Societe Generale de Belgique



Maja Banck-Polderman


USA Allaire, Paul A. - Former Chairman and C.E.O., Xerox Corporation


P Balsemao, Francisco Pinto - Chairman, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; former Prime Minister


I Bernabe, Franco - Chairman, Franco Bernabe & C. S.p.A.


CDN Black, Conrad M. - Chairman, Telegraph Group Limited


GB Clarke, Kenneth - Member of Parliament, former Chancellor of the Exchequer


F Collomb, Bertrand - Chairman and C.E.O., Lafarge


GR David, George A. - Chairman, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A.


NL Halberstadt, Victor - Professor of Public Economics, Leiden University


USA Johnson, James A. - Vice Chairman, Perseus LLC


USA Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. - Managing Director, Lazard Freres & Co. LLC


TR Kiraq, Suna - Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Koq Holding A.S.


USA Kissinger, Henry A. - Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.


D Kopper, Hilmar - Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank A.G.


USA Kravis, Marie-Josee - Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc


F Levy-Lang, Andre - Former Chairman, Paribas


USA Mathews, Jessica T. - President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace


N Myklebust, Egil - Chairman of the Board, Norsk Hydro ASA


D Nass, Matthias - Deputy Editor, Die Zeit


FIN Ollila, Jorma - Chairman of the Board and C.E.O., Nokia Corporation


INT Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso - Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank


E Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias - Executive Vice Chairman, BSCH


D Schrempp, Jiirgen E. - Chairman of the Board of Management, DaimlerChrysler AG


INT Schwab, Klaus - President, World Economic Forum


DK Seidenfaden, Toger - Editor-in-Chief, Politiken


IRL Sutherland, Peter D. - Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs International


CH Vasella, Daniel L. - Chairman and C.E.O., Novartis AG


A Vranitzky, Franz - Former Federal Chanoellor


S Wallenberg, Jacob - Chairman of the Board, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken


USA Wolfensohn, James D. - President, The World Bank


Bilderberg Members


I - Agnelli, Giovanni


I - Agnelli, Umberto


GB - Airey, Terence


DK - Andersen, Tage


A - Androsch, Hannes


GR - Arliotis, Charles C.


USA - Ball, George W.


S - Barnevik, Percy


F - Baumgartner, Wilfrid S.


GB - Bennett, Frederic M.


USA - Bennett, Jack F.


INT - Bertram, Christoph


D - Bertram, Christoph


TR - Beyazit, Selahattin


TR - Birgi, Nuri


CH - Boveri, Walter E.


USA - Brady, Nicholas F.


GR - Carras, Costa


E - Carvajal Urquijo, Jaime


USA - Cary, Frank T.


GB - Cavendish-Bentinck, Victor F.W.


DK - Christiansen, Hakon


I - Cittadini Cesi, Gian G.


USA - Collado, Emilio


USA - Corzine, Jon S.


USA - Dam, Kenneth W.


USA - Dean, Arthur H.


DK - Deleuran, Aage


NL - Duisenberg, Willem F.


CDN - Duncan, James S.


USA - Finley, Murray H.


GB - Frame, Alistair


GB - Franks, Oliver


CDN - Frum, David


GB - Gaitskell, Hugh T.N.


USA - Gerstner, Louis V.


USA - Getchell, Charles


CDN - Griffin, Anthony G.S.


GB - Gubbins, Colin


S - Gustafsson, Sten


ICE - Hallgrimsson, Geir


USA - Hauge, Gabriel


N - Hauge, Jens


GB - Healey, Denis W.


USA - Heinz, Henry J.


D - Herrhausen, Alfred


N - Hoegh, Leif


N - Hoegh, Westye


USA - Holbrooke, Richard C.


A - lgler, Hans


FIN - lloniemi, Jaakko


A - Jankowitsch, Peter


B - Janssen, Daniel E.


NL - Karsten, C. Frits


GB - Knight, Andrew


I NT - Kohnstamm, Max


A - Kothbauer, Max


NL - Korteweg, Pieter


CH - Krauer, Alex


F - Ladreit de Lacharriere, Marc


B - Lambert, Leon J.G.


USA - Lord, Winston


S - Lundvall, Bjorn


CH - Lutolf, Franz J.


CDN - Macdonald, Donald S.


USA - MacLaury, Bruce K.


USA - Mathias, Charles McC.


GB - Maudling, Reginald


NL - Meynen, Johannes


USA - Mitchell, George J.


F - Montbrial, Thierry de


I - Monti, Mario


USA - Moyers, Bill D.


USA - Murphy, Robert D.


DK - Norlund, Nils


NL - Oort, Conrad J.


USA - Perkins, James A


GR - Pesmazoglu, John S.


I - Prodi, Romano


CH - Pury, David de


USA - Ridgway, Rozanne L.


USA - Rockefeller, David


USA - Rockefeller, Sharon Percy


GB - Roll of Ipsden, Eric


F - Rothschild, Edmond de


INT - Ruggiero, Renato


NL - Rijkens, Paul


GB - Sainsbury, John


I - Saraceno, Pasquale


F - Seilliere, Ernest-Antoine


USA - Sheinkman, Jack


I - Silvestri, Stefano


GB - Smith, John


B - Snoy et d'Oppuers, Jean C.


D - Sommer, Theo


USA - Stone, Shepard


GB - Taverne, Dick


USA - Taylor, Arthur R.


DK - Terkelsen, Terkel M.


N - Tidemand, Otto Grieg


I - Valetta, Vittorio


CH - Umbricht, Victor H.


S - Wallenberg, Marcus


N - Werring, Niels


USA - Whitehead, John C.


USA - Whitman, Marina von Neumann


USA - Williams, Joseph H.


USA - Williams, Lynn R.


D - Wischnewski, Hans-Jurgen


D - Wolff von Amerongen, Otto


USA - Wolfowitz, Paul


I - Zannoni, Paolo




To understand who controls the leadership of NATO, the world's biggest military operation and now the 'World Army', you only have to look at the connection of the NATO Secretary-Generals to the Bilderberg Group.


The earlier sec-gens do not appear to have been Bilderberg attendees, but if you know different, please let me know. These were Lord Ismay (1952-1957), Paul Henri Spaak (1957-1961), Dirk U. Stikker (1961-1964), and Manlio Brosio (1964-1971).


But from then on, the leader of NATO has become a Bilderberg appointment.


They are:


* Joseph Luns (1971-1984) Bilderberg Group

* Lord Carrington (1984-1988) Bilderberg Group, chairman 1991-1998).

* Manfred Wörner (1988-1994) Bilderberg Group

* Willy Claes (1994-1995) Bilderberg Group

* Javier Solana (1995-1999) Bilderberg Group

* Lord Robertson (1999- ) Bilderberg Group


How much easier it therefore becomes to instigate Bilderberg policy in the Gulf, Bosnia, Kosovo, etc., etc..


Current Bilderberg Steering Group pamphlets listing steering group members are available free of charge to bona fide researchers, as well as past attendance lists. All Bilderberg secetariat press enquiries should be directed to this office.

European Office (Location: Leiden University)

Maja Banck-Polderman (Executive Secretary)

PO Box 3017

2301 DA Leiden

The Netherlands

Phone +31 71 5280 521

Fax +31 71 5280 522

Old European office - no longer believed to be in use:

Maja Banck-Polderman

Bilderberg Meetings

Amstel 216

1017 AJ Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Old phone no: +31 (20) 625 0252

Old Fax: +31 (20) 624 4299 (old fax number - may be out of date)


These were ex-directory phone numbers at The Old Bilderberg Towers, Amstel 216, from an anon. source: 626-8932, 626-8932, 624-1672 (phone of Victor Halberstaat?), 620-6278, 420-7075, 420-7400 (pretty def. Bilderberg phone), 620-9104. add +31 (20) to all if dialling from outside Amsterdam.


Another office reported at:

Bilderberger Group

1, Smidswater,

Den Haag,


Phone (070) 45 21 21


North America

Charles W. Muller

American Friends of Bilderbergs, Inc.

477 Madison Ave., 6th Floor

New York, NY 10022


Phone: +1 (212) 879 0545


Bilderberg Public Relations.

Charles W Muller or Ronnie Glattauer of

Murden & Co., Georgia, USA,


Phone: +1 (770) 945 8921



other builderburger’s





Source: Grattan Healey, Green Party adviser to Patricia McKenna MEP at the European Parliament.

Members Advisory Group *


Canada: Anthony GS Griffin, Company Director.


Germany: Otto Wolff von Amerongen, Chairman and CEO of Otto Wolff Industrieberatung und Beteiligungen GMBH.


International: Max Kohnstamm, Former Secretary General, Action Committee for Europe; Former President, Europe University Institute.


Italy: Giovanni Agnelli, Honorary Chairman, Fiat SpA.


Netherlands: Ernst H. van der Beugel, Emeritus Professor of International Relations, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings for Europe and Canada.


United Kingdom: Lord Roll of Ipsden, Senior Adviser, SBC Warburg Dillon Read.


United States of America: William Bundy, Former Editor, Foreign Affairs;

David Rockefeller, Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International Advisory Committee.


* all former members of the Steering Committee

Steering Committee:


Chairman: Peter, Lord Carrington-Chairman of the Board, Christie's International plc; Former Secretary-General NATO.


Secretary-General: Victor Halberstadt-Professor of Public Economics, Leiden University, the Netherlands.


Treasurer: Pieter Korteweg-President and Chief Executive Officer, Robeco Group.

National Representatives


Austria: Franz Vranitzky, Former Federal Chancellor.


Belgium: Etienne Davignon-Chairman, Société Générale de Belgique; Former Vice Chairman of the Commission of the European Communities.


Canada: Conrad Black, Chairman, Telegraph Group Ltd; (2nd place vacant).


Denmark: Toger Seidenfaden, Editor-in-chief, Politiken.


Finland: Jorma Ollila, President and CEO, Nokia Corporation.


France: Bertrand Collomb, Chairman and Executive Officer, Lafarge; Andre Levy-Lang, Chairman, Banque Paribas.


Germany: Christoph Bertram, Diplomatic Correspondent, Die Zeit; Hilmar Kopper, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG; Matthias Nass, Managing Editor, Die Zeit.



USA/International: James D. Wolfensohn, President, The World Bank;




Just to mention a few....

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George W. Bush

Bill Clinton

George H.W. Bush

Jimmy Carter

Gerald Ford

Richard Nixon

Dwight Eisenhower

Herbert Hoover

Dick Cheney (Vice-President)

Al Gore (Vice-President)



Warren Christopher

Robert Blackwill, Nat. Security Council – CFR Membership List, B

Lee Aspin (Deceased)

Frank H. T. Rhodes, Bd. Of Directors -- CFR

James B. Holderman, Bd. Of Directors -- CFR

D. Allen Bromley, Bd. Of Directors -- CFR

Colin L. Powell

Lori Murray, Arms Cont. & Disarm. Agency -- CFR

Lawrence Scheinman, Arms Cont. & Disarm. Agency -- CFR

Bruce Babbitt

Henry Cisneros

George Stephanopoulos, Director, Communications -- CFR

Willian J. Crowe, Chief Foreign Intelligence Advisory Bd. -- CFR

Nancy Soderberg, Staff Director, National Secuity Council -- CFR

Samuel R. Berger, Deputy Advisor, National Security -- CFR

W. Bowman Cutter, Deputy Assistant, National Economic Council -- CFR

Donna Shalala

Alice Rivlin, Deputy Director -- CFR

Roger Altman

Michael Nacht, Arms Cont. & Disarm. Agency -- CFR

William R. Graham, Jr., Science Advisor to President & Director -- CFR

Seth Hurwitz, White House, Advisory Committee -- CFR

Robert R. Glauber

James H. Billington, Librarian, Chmn. Trust Fund Board -- CFR

Ruth Ann Stewart, Asst. Librarian National Programs -- CFR

David C. Mulford

Mark Penn

Thomas Graham, Jr., General Council -- CFR Membership List

William Schneier, Chmn., General Advisory Council -- CFR

Richard Burt, Negotiator On Strategic Defense Arms -- CFR

David Smith, Negotiator, Defense & Space -- CFR

Robert M. Bestani

Condoleezza Rice

J. French Hill

John M. Niehuss



Strobe Talbott (Special Advisor For CIS) -- CFR Membership List

Thomas R. Pickering (Russia) -- CFR

Morton I. Abramowitz (Turkey) -- CFR

Michael H. Armacost (Japan) -- CFR

Shirly Temple Black (Czechoslovakia) -- CFR Membership List

Julia Chang Bloch (Nepal) -- CFR

Henry E. Catto, Jr. (Great Britain) -- CFR

Frances Cook (Camaroon) -- CFR

Edward P. Djerejian (Syria) -- CFR

Geoge E. Moose (Senegal) -- CFR

John D. Negroponte (Mexico) -- CFR Membership List

Edward N. Ney (Canada) -- CFR

Robert B. Oakley (Pakistan) -- CFR

Robert H. Pelletreau, Jr. (Tunisia) -- CFR

Christopher H. Phillips (Brunei) -- CFR

Nicholas Platt (Phillipines) -- CFR

James W. Spain (Maldives & Sri Lanka) -- CFR

Terence A. Todman (Argentina) -- CFR

Frank G. Wisner II (Egypt) -- CFR

Warren Zimmerman (Yugoslavia) -- CFR

Madeleine Albright, UN Amabassador -- CFR

Clifton Wharton, Jr., Deputy Sec. -- CFR

Lynn Davis, Under Sec. for International Security Affairs -- CFR, TC

Brandon H. Grove, Dir. of Foreign Service Institute -- CFR Membership List

H. Allen Holms, Asst. Sec., Bureau Of Politico-Military Affairs -- CFR

John H. Kelly, Asst. Sec., Near East-South Asian Affairs -- CFR

Alexander F. Watson, Deputy Rep., United Nations -- CFR

Jonathan Moore, UN Mission -- CFR

Joseph Verner Reed, Chief of Protocol -- CFR

Dennis B. Ross, Director, Policy Planning Staff -- CFR

Edward Perkins, Dir. of Personnel -- CFR

Abraham David Sofaer, Legal Advisor -- CFR

Peter Tanoff, Under Sec. for Political Affairs -- CFR, TC

Brian Atwood, Under Sec. For Management -- CFR

Joan E. Spero, Under Sec. Eco. & Ag. Affairs -- CFR

George E. Moose, Asst. Sec. African Affairs -- CFR

Winston Lord, Asst. Sec., East Asian & Pacific Affairs -- CFR, TC

Stephen A. Oxman, Asst. Sec., European Affairs -- CFR

Timothy E. Wirth, Counselor – CFR




Howard L. Berman (D-CA) -- CFR Membership List

Thomas S. Foley (D-WA) -- CFR

Sam Gejdenson (D-CT) -- CFR

Richard A. Gephardt (D-MO) -- CFR

Newton L. Gingrich (R-GA) -- CFR

Lee H. Hamilton (D-IN) -- TC

Amory Houghton, Jr. (R-NY) -- CFR

Nancy Lee Johnson (R-CT) -- CFR

Jim Leach (R-IA) -- TC

John Lewis (D-GA) -- CFR

Robert T. Matsui (D-CA) -- CFR

Dave K. Mccurdy (D-OK) -- CFR

Eleanor Homes Norton (D-DC) -- CFR Membership List

Thomas El Petri (R-WI) -- CFR

Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) -- TC

Carlos A. Romero-Barcelo (D-PR) -- CFR

Patricia Schroeder (D-CO) -- CFR

Peter Smith (R-VT) -- CFR

Olympia J. Snow (R-ME) -- CFR

John M. Spratt (D-SC) -- CFR

Louis Stokes (D-OH) – CFR

David L. Boren (D-OK) -- CFR

William Bradley (D-NJ) -- CFR

John H. Chafee (R-RI) -- CFR, TC

William S. Cohen (R-ME) -- CFR, TC

Christopher J. Dodd (D-CT) -- CFR

Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) -- TC

Bob Graham (D-FL) -- CFR

Joseph I. Lieberman (D-CT) -- CFR Membership List

George J. MiTChell (D-ME) -- CFR

Claiborne Pell (D-RI) -- CFR

Larry Pressler (R-SD) -- CFR

Charles S. Robb (D-VA) -- CFR, TC

John D. Rockefeller, IV (D-WV) -- CFR, TC

William Roth, Jr. (R-DE) -- CFR, TC




Sandra Day O'Connor, Assoc. Justice, U.S. Supreme Court -- CFR Membership List

Steve G. Breyer, Chief Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, First Circuit, Boston -- CFR

Ruth B. Ginsburg, U.S. Court Of Appeals, Wash., DC Circuit -- CFR

Laurence H. Silberman, U.S. Court of Appeals, Wash., DC Circuit – CFR




Chase Manhattan Corp.:

Thomas G. Labrecque, Chairman & CEO – CFR Membership List, TC

Robert R. Douglass, Vice Chairman -- CFR Membership List

Willard C. BuTCher, Dir. -- CFR

Richard W. Lyman, Dir. -- CFR

Joan Ganz Cooney, Dir. -- CFR

David T. Mclaughlin, Dir. -- CFR

Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., Dir. -- CFR

Henry B. Schacht, Dir. -- CFR

Chemical Bank:

Walter V. Shipley, Chairman -- CFR

Robert J. Callander, President -- CFR

William C. Pierce, Executive Officer -- CFR

Randolph W. Bromery, Dir. -- CFR

Charles W. Duncan, Jr., Dir. -- CFR

George V. Grune, Dir. -- CFR

Helen L. Kaplan, Dir. -- CFR

Lawrence G. Rawl, Dir. -- CFR

Michael I. Sovern, Dir. -- CFR

Richard D. Wood, Dir. -- CFR


John S. Reed. Chairman -- CFR

William R. Rhodes, Vice Chairman -- CFR

Richard S. Braddock, President -- CFR

John M. DeuTCh, Dir. -- CFR

Clifton C. Garvin, Jr., Dir -- CFR

C. Peter Mccolough, Dir. -- CFR

Rozanne L. Ridgeway, Dir. -- CFR

Franklin A. Thomas, Dir. -- CFR

First City Bancorp, Texas:

A. Robert Abboud, CEO -- CFR

Morgan Guaranty:

Lewis T. Preston, Chairman -- CFR

Bankers Trust New York Corporation:

Charles S. Stanford, Jr., Chairman -- CFR

Alfred Brittain III, Dir. -- CFR

Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., Dir -- CFR

Richard L. Gelb, Dir. -- CFR

Patricia Carry Stewart, Dir. -- CFR

First National Bank of Chicago:

Barry F. Sullivan -- TC

Manufacturers Hanover Directors:

Cyrus Vance -- CFR

G. Robert Durham -- CFR

George B. Munroe -- CFR

Marina V. N. Whitman -- CFR, TC

Charles J. Pilliod, Jr. -- CFR

Bank America:

Andrew F. Brimmer, Dir. -- CFR

Ignazio E. Lozano, Jr., Dir. -- CFR

Ruben F. Mettler, Dir. -- CFR

Securities & Exchange Commission:

Michael D. Mann, Dir. International Affairs -- CFR




Alan Greenspan, ChairmaN – CFR Membership List, TC

E. Gerald Corrigan, V. Chmn./Pres. NY Fed. Res. Bank -- CFR

Richard N. Cooper, Chmn. Boston Fed. Res. Bank -- CFR

Sam Y. Cross, Manager, Foreign Open Market Acct. -- CFR

Robert F. Erburu, Chmn. San Francisco Fed. Res. Bank -- CFR

Robert P. Forrestal, Pres. Atlanta Fed. Res. Bank -- CFR

Bobby R. Inman, Chmn., Dallas Fed. Res. Bank -- CFR, TC

Robert H. Knight, Esq. -- CFR

Steven Muller -- CFR

John R. Opel -- CFR

Anthony M. Solomon -- CFR, TC

Edwin M. Truman, Staff Dir. International Finance -- CFR

Cyrus R. Vance -- CFR

Paul Volcker -- CFR, TC



Laurence A. Tisch, CEO -- CFR Membership List

Roswell Gilpatric -- CFR

James Houghton -- CFR, TC

Henry Schacht -- CFR, TC

Dan Rather -- CFR

Richard Hottelet -- CFR

Frank Stanton -- CFR


John F. Welch, CEO -- CFR

Jane Pfeiffer -- CFR

Lester Crystal -- CFR, TC

R.W. Sonnenfeidt -- CFR, TC

John Petty -- CFR

David Brinkley -- CFR

John Chancellor -- CFR

Marvin Kalb -- CFR

Irving R. Levine -- CFR

Herbert Schlosser -- CFR

Peter G. Peterson -- CFR

John Sawhill -- CFR


Thomas S. Murphy, CEO -- CFR

Barbara Walters -- CFR

John Connor -- CFR

Diane Sawyer -- CFR

John Scall -- CFR

Public Broadcast Service:

Robert Mcneil -- CFR

Jim Lehrer -- CFR

C. Hunter-Gault -- CFR

Hodding Carter III -- CFR

Daniel Schorr -- CFR

Associated Press:

Stanley Swinton -- CFR

Harold Anderson -- CFR

Katharine Graham -- CFR, TC


Michael Posner -- CFR

Baltimore Sun:

Henry Trewhitt -- CFR

Washington Times:

Arnaud De Borchgrave -- CFR

Children's TV Workshop (Sesame Street):

Joan Ganz Cooney, Pres. -- CFR

Cable News Network:

W. Thomas Johnson, Pres. -- TC

Daniel Schorr -- CFR

U.S. News & World Report:

David Gergen -- TC

New York Times Co.:

Richard Gelb -- CFR

William Scranton -- CFR, TC

John F. Akers, Dir. -- CFR

Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., Dir. -- CFR

George B. Munroe, Dir. -- CFR

Donald M. Stewart, Dir. -- CFR

Cyrus R. Vance, Dir. -- CFR

A.M. Rosenthal -- CFR

Seymour Topping -- CFR

James Greenfield -- CFR

Max Frankel -- CFR

Jack Rosenthal -- CFR

John Oakes -- CFR

Harrison Salisbury -- CFR

H.L. Smith -- CFR

Steven Rattner -- CFR

Richard Burt -- CFR

Flora Lewis -- CFR

Time, Inc.:

Ralph Davidson -- CFR

Donal M. Wilson -- CFR

Henry Grunwald -- CFR

Alexander Heard -- CFR

Sol Linowitz -- CFR

Thomas Watson, Jr. -- CFR

Strobe Talbott -- CFR

Newsweek/Washington Post:

Katharine Graham -- CFR

N. Deb. Katzenbach -- CFR

Robert Christopher -- CFR

Osborne Elliot -- CFR

Phillip Geyelin -- CFR

Murry Marder -- CFR

Maynard Parker -- CFR

George Will -- CFR, TC

Robert Kaiser -- CFR

Meg Greenfield -- CFR

Walter Pincus -- CFR

Murray Gart -- CFR

Peter Osnos -- CFR

Don Oberdorfer -- CFR

Dow Jones & Co (Wall Street Journal):

Richard Wood -- CFR

Robert Bartley -- CFR, TC

Karen House -- CFR

National Review:

Wm. F. Buckley, Jr. -- CFR

Readers Digest:

George V. Grune, CEO -- CFR

William G. Bowen, Dir. -- CFR

Syndicated Columnists

Geogia Anne Geyer -- CFR

Ben J. Wattenberg – CFR




Department Of Defense:

Les Aspin, Secretary of Defense -- CFR Membership List

Frank G. Wisnerll, Under Secretary for Policy -- CFR

Henry S. Rowen, Asst. Sec., International Security Affairs -- CFR

Judy Ann Miller, Dep. Asst. Sec. Nuclear Forces & Arms Control -- CFR

W. Bruce Weinrod, Dep. Asst. Sec., Europe & NATO -- CFR

Adm. Seymour Weiss, Chairman, Defense Policy Board -- CFR

Charles M. Herzfeld, Dir. Defense Research & Engineering -- CFR

Andrew W. Marshall, Dir., Net Assessment -- CFR

Michael P. W. Stone, Secretary of the Army -- CFR

Donald B. Rice, Secretary of the Air Force -- CFR

Franklin C. Miller, Dep. Asst. Sec. Nuclear Forces & Arms Control -- CFR

Allied Supreme Commanders:

1949-52 Eisenhower -- CFR Membership List

1952-53 Ridgeway -- CFR

1953-56 Gruenther -- CFR

1956-63 Norstad -- CFR

1963-69 Lemnitzer -- CFR

1969-74 Goodpaster -- CFR

1974-79 Haig -- CFR

1979-87 Rogers -- CFR, TC

Superintendents of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point:

1960-63 Westmoreland -- CFR Membership List

1963-66 Lampert -- CFR

1966-68 Bennett -- CFR

1970-74 Knowlton -- CFR

1974-77 Berry -- CFR

1977-81 Goodpaster -- CFR

CFR Military Fellows, 1991:

Col. William M. Drennan, Jr., USAF -- CFR

Col. Wallace C. Gregson, USMC -- CFR

Col. Jack B. Wood, USA -- CFR

CFR Military Fellows, 1992:

Col. David M. Mize, USMC -- CFR Membership List

Col. John P. Rose, USA -- CFR

Joint Chiefs of Staff:

Gen. Colin L. Powell, Chairman -- CFR

Gen. Carl E. Vuono, Army -- CFR

Gen. John T. Chain, Co Sac -- CFR

Gen. Merril A. Mcpeak, Co Pac AF -- CFR

Lt. Gen. George L. Butler, Dir. Strategic Plans & Policy -- CFR

Lt. Gen. Charles T. Boyd, Com. Air Univ. -- CFR

Lt. Gen. Bradley C. Hosmer, AF Inspector General -- CFR

Secretaries of Defense:

1957-59 Mcelroy -- CFR Membership List

1959-61 Gates -- CFR

1961-68 McNamara -- CFR, TC

1969-73 Laird -- CFR

1973-75 Richardson -- CFR, TC

1975-77 Rumsfeld -- CFR

1977-80 Brown -- CFR, TC

1980-88 Weinberger -- CFR, TC

1988- Carlucci -- CFR

1988- Cheney -- CFR

Additional Military:

Mg R.C. Bowman -- CFR Membership List

Bg F. Brown -- CFR

Lt Col W. Clark -- CFR

Adm Wm. Crowe -- CFR

Col P. M. Dawkins -- CFR

V. Adm. Thor Hanson -- CFR

Col W. Hauser -- CFR

Maj R. Kimmitt -- CFR

Gen W. Knowlton -- CFR

V. Adm J. Lee -- CFR

Col D. Mead -- CFR

Mg Jack Merritt -- CFR

Gen E. Meyer -- CFR

Col Wm. E. Odom -- CFR

Col L. Olvey -- CFR

Col Geo. K. Osborn -- CFR

Mg J. Pustay -- CFR

Lg E.L. Rowny -- CFR

Capt Gary Sick -- CFR

Mg De Witt Smith -- CFR

Bg Perry Smith -- CFR

Ltg Wm. Y. Smith -- CFR

Col W. Taylor -- CFR

Adm S. Turner -- CFR

Mg J. Welch -- CFR

Gen J. Wickham – CFR



More in next post....


Have you ever kissed a girl?

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Dabuckle, well done on completing the first part of Sibon's question with your lengthy cut & paste list, now, care to finish the second and third parts?


-Why do they want to make us all easier to control? What will this NWO do when it has us all under control?

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