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The coming Great World War (WWIII)

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Dabuckle, well done on completing the first part of Sibon's question with your lengthy cut & paste list, now, care to finish the second and third parts?


-Why do they want to make us all easier to control? What will this NWO do when it has us all under control?


We will be food for them, its V isn't it, they're all reptiles aren't they?

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Guest sibon

I won't repost dabuckle's list. There are, after all, only so many electrons in the universe.


I'll just comment that a list of US officials including quite a few dead people, coupled with a bit of copy and paste really isn't "in your own words". It is just a list of people (some dead) and some copy and paste.


For the record, I doubt that db has actually kissed a girl... unless Truthinlogic is female:suspect:

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Guest sibon
You're havin a laaarrf aint ya?




I'm a born optimist me.


I've even got a Sheffield Wednesday season ticket. That requires a lot of positivity:D

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For a supra-secret shadow organisation they seem easy to unearth. How come you havn't had a fatal accident for uncovering so much about them?


What do you talk about when you go for a pint?


Ask yourself why is David Icke still alive after 25yrs of talking about the truth...


Topics like these don't go down well in pubs, people are ingorant enough when sober.


I stick to the usual stuff like gossip, sports and the bar ladies juggs.

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Ask yourself why is David Icke still alive after 25yrs of talking about the truth...


Topics like these don't go down well in pubs, people are ingorant enough when sober.


I stick to the usual stuff like gossip, sports and the bar ladies juggs.


good manly stuff

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Ask yourself why is David Icke still alive after 25yrs of talking about the truth...


I asked myself, and the answer was:


He's not been talking about the truth, so no secret organisations have any reasons for "rubbing him out". That's why he's alive.


Why do YOU think he's still alive?

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Children's TV Workshop (Sesame Street):


And there you have it - Sesame Street is the New World Order - Bert is obviously the malevolent overlord of the world and Ernie his lover/enforcer. Don't even mention Big Bird *shudder*


P.S. Where were Elvis and Bruce Lee?

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