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The coming Great World War (WWIII)

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12months but to be safe call it 2 - 3 yrs


Well, according to you guys, we're all going to die next December, anyway.


That's if the May Rapture doesn't take us all first... :P

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12months but to be safe call it 2 - 3 yrs


In the larger part of world and power structure works on financial and commercial power rather than political and military. Where political and military power is exercised by the major powers is is exercised to attempt to produce regional stability and/or control resources. While war may be good for short term profiteering by some long term stable profits are better served by long term stable economies. Added to this ideological movements in major powers have been largely sidelined in favour of the pursuit of money so politically based wars are unlikely. Nationalism may still be a force but it's focused much more on independence than domination. Putting these together I think that a world war in the next few years (or decades) is unlikely.


That being said I think we may see a "lukewarm" war of political and economic posturing and police actions to control resources along with break away republics trying to establish independence but not a full blown world war for many decades if ever. If and when the human race wipes itself out I think it will probably be with a whimper rather than a bang and certainly not at the machinations of some world spanning conspiracy.

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