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The coming Great World War (WWIII)

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This way of thinking is the conditioning that the media had put you in, china have been playing the game from the start and on the whistle will get involved just like they are doing now.




Still waiting for evidence of the Chinese "ultimatum".

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the world's birthrate is falling. Few if any countries have a higher birthrate than they did 20 or 30 years ago. Most Asian countries have experienced similar falls in birthrates to China without having a one child policy. What's causing population growth is falling death rates and much fewer children dying in infancy than before not people having more children.


How enlightening. You might enjoy muddying the waters to make it appear that you are so, so well informed but you fool no one.


So I will repeat - the population is GROWING exponentially at a rate that the planet cannot possibly sustain. THAT is my point.


The birth rate may be falling (relatively) So why do you fail to mention that the world population has risen enormously over the last ’20 to 30 years???? (You can look up the exact numbers as you seem to spend a lot of time on WIKI).


I think you’ll find that the population has grown massively despite people having fewer kids.


Of course we are living longer which does compound the problem nevertheless having FEWER children is essential if the planet is to have any future.


It’s a well-documented and researched fact that two children families would alleviate the problem enormously. Why not check it out on WIKI?

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... and ? Do you really believe

An expert from Waziristan says his daughter died of blood cancer soon after she had developed a skin disease, which was no more than the toxic effect of chemical substances used in the non-UN-sanctioned drone strikes


Do you have the first clue how cancer works?




1. Of course you believe this silliness.

2. No you don't have the first clue.

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OMG It's the end of the world this time caused by... (please delete where necessary)


Alien Invasion / Total War / Pandemic / Zombie outbreak / Natural disaster / Mad doctor / Evil Politically active Cult??

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OMG It's the end of the world this time caused by... (please delete where necessary)


Alien Invasion / Total War / Pandemic / Zombie outbreak / Natural disaster / Mad doctor / Evil Politically active Cult??


Happens every week on SF. It's all down to Bilderberg / New World Order / Illuminati / Zionists.

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How enlightening. You might enjoy muddying the waters to make it appear that you are so, so well informed but you fool no one.


So I will repeat - the population is GROWING exponentially at a rate that the planet cannot possibly sustain. THAT is my point.


The birth rate may be falling (relatively) So why do you fail to mention that the world population has risen enormously over the last ’20 to 30 years???? (You can look up the exact numbers as you seem to spend a lot of time on WIKI).


I think you’ll find that the population has grown massively despite people having fewer kids.


obviously you can't read, mate because I never said that the world's population is not growing. Clearly it is - despite nearly every country in the world having drastically reduced their birth rates in the past generation.


people have been rabbiting on about over-population being 'unsustainable' since Malthus 250 years ago. Why don't you ask yourself whether the world has gotten richer or poorer, and why people today live three times longer, since then?

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