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The coming Great World War (WWIII)

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obviously you can't read, mate because I never said that the world's population is not growing. Clearly it is - despite nearly every country in the world having drastically reduced their birth rates in the past generation.


people have been rabbiting on about over-population being 'unsustainable' since Malthus 250 years ago. Why don't you ask yourself whether the world has gotten richer or poorer, and why people today live three times longer, since then?




They don't, infant mortality has plummeted due to scientific innovations. Do you really think people died at 30 in the 1700's?


You say "despite nearly every country in the world having drastically reduced their birth rates in the past generation", I say you are a fraud and a charlatan. Nearly every country? Quite a strong statement to make in the absence of any evidence.


Birth rates may have decreased in some countries, but the children being born are actually surviving. This is why population continues to mushroom

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I wonder how much money Alex Jones makes from all the advertising on his site? If only he could think of an idea which would drive people to advertise his site to bump up that advertising revenue...

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Do you really think people died at 30 in the 1700's?


yes. Life expectancy in Britain was about 35 in 1700.


You say "despite nearly every country in the world having drastically reduced their birth rates in the past generation", I say you are a fraud and a charlatan. Nearly every country? Quite a strong statement to make in the absence of any evidence.


well if you're such an expert, then why don't you tell me the name of one country who's birthrate has not fallen in the past thirty years? I've never been able to find one. Sometimes there's a little blip, and some have fallen slower than others, but the overall trend is always down.

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yes. Life expectancy in Britain was about 35 in 1700.



I think, if you exclude infant and child mortality - which were high - if you lived past 5 years of age, your average age of death would be nearer 60.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the mean life expectancy of 35 is low because of infant and child mortality.

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yes. Life expectancy in Britain was about 35 in 1700.




well if you're such an expert, then why don't you tell me the name of one country who's birthrate has not fallen in the past thirty years? I've never been able to find one. Sometimes there's a little blip, and some have fallen slower than others, but the overall trend is always down.




I believe that China had its highest birth rate since records began in 2009. India is also showing an upward trend.


To address the first point, I think you are getting confused. Yes life expectancy was 35 ish, but this did not mean that people died of old age when they hit their mid 30's!


In America and UK, infant mortality was approximately 1 in 2, which means that half of all humans died under the age of 4. This made the mean death age plummet.

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I believe that China had its highest birth rate since records began in 2009. India is also showing an upward trend.


India is similar to most developing countries. Downward birth rate, sometimes there's the odd blip, like in 2007, but overall trend is always down. Developed countries birth rate can increase - the UK, France, and USA have slightly higher birth rates than a few years ago, but in developing countries, the trend is always down. India birth rate http://www.indexmundi.com/india/birth_rate.html


Chinese women used to have massive numbers of children, like elsewhere in Asia, Thailand, Philippines, etc. 7 or 8 children per woman was the norm in about 1950. Difficult to be sure of Chinese figures, but it's probably about 1.8 per woman now, roughly the same as Thailand, or UK. Philippines, being Catholic, has one of the highest birthrates in Asia now, 3.3 children per woman - but it's still only half of what it was fifty years ago.

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  • 1 month later...
History is repeating its self again.

There is plenty of proof that the leaders that have been running the world since the start of the 20th century are still running the world now and their agenda remains the same.

WWI and WWII are not complete without WW3, a war to bring about a



You don't need to be a genius to see that the world is in a horrific mess but to realize it has all been engineered takes more than just an open mind.


I only start these discussions to inform people because soon your going to need the help.




good... bring it on.

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History is repeating its self again.

There is plenty of proof that the leaders that have been running the world since the start of the 20th century are still running the world now and their agenda remains the same.

WWI and WWII are not complete without WW3, a war to bring about a



You don't need to be a genius to see that the world is in a horrific mess but to realize it has all been engineered takes more than just an open mind.


I only start these discussions to inform people because soon you're going to need the help. You're going to need a whole lot of help.


Do you really think that all those generals (most of whom were believed to have died many years ago) ar suddenly going to turn their toes up?




Well, <REMOVED>!


There's these leaders wot've been running the world since the start of the 20th century and nobody knew?


How did 'they" (the other people who run the world as opposed to your lot of people who run the world) manage to hide that fact that poeple died, people got promoted, there were two major wars and different names?


I await next week's thrilling installment.


(If you don't mind, I won't hold my breath.

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  • 2 months later...

Its like a secret game of chess between the US and IRAN and which will lead to a world war. Its been played for several years now and this month the US has finally put IRAN in 'check'!


US has given Israel the green light to attack Iran, so before the end of october they will launch a strike on Iran nuclear plants.



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