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The coming Great World War (WWIII)

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Hey Longol , during my existence on this forum I can remember nearly every one I have met ,


Who do you keep calling me that ?


Really I had to google "truthlogic " and can find squat !



Try doing a forum search - oh and one for enuffrespect while you're at it.


You really are totally transparent truthlogic.

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Nothing to do with paranoia.


Your posting style, subject matter, spelling, use of ! and ? , random capitalisation etc is a dead give away.


Drop the pretending - you just look foolish - just like your youtube channel.




Haha there you go you got me !


Red handed ,


Must have been when I used - ! And ?


Thought about signing up for detective ?


I have so Been a accused by other forum users more or less right away if you don't agree with a certain point of view

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Indeed Harley , I had to google that


They yes are wacko to blame women for earthquake , but I'm sure women still get more freedom in Iran that most other arab ( friendly ) " kingdoms " cough.... Dictatorship (


Iranians are not Arabs. - You'll really upset them if you describe them as 'Arabs'.:hihi:

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The only people likely to attack Iran are the Israelis and quite rightly so with the threats and insults that Hack-Me-Dinnerjacket keeps making.


Israel are a disgusting nation and deserve everything they get.


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