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The coming Great World War (WWIII)

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What a strange way to look at geo politics !

But it's very typical harleyman again ....


So china and Russia only go against American policy as they only wish to aggrevate ?


Not cuz it's immoral ! Crazy ! Evil !



To start wars ?


It's called "international diplomatic bullsh*t power play" China is eager to flex it's newly acquired wealth and influence in the world while Russia a "has been superpower" still wants to show the rest of the world that it still counts for something. Both these countries see their foreign policy towards the US as a counter check of some sort. Make no mistake though. Neither of these countries would come to the aid of Iran militarily if Iran got into a shooting war with Israel or any of it's neighbours. A token verbal support would be all that Iran would get in the UN.

China and Russia both have Muslim republics on their borders and the rise Islamic fundamentalism is a concern to both of them. Chechnya is already a problem for Russia.

The demise of the Iranian leadership would be a welcome turn of events to both China and Russia as well as Saudi Arabia and a few other Arab states.

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