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Men and the morrow

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I will have to Tivo it or record onto a DVD as it will be 1:00 AM Friday where I live when the ceremony starts.

I think it will be well worth watching. The British have pomp and ceremony down to a fine art. My wife who is not English keeps reminding me to make sure I record it.


I dont see any point in being petulant and depriving myself of a wonderful display of pageantry which is a welcome distraction in today's often mundane world.

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What a miserable bunch of commitment phobic emotional <removed> you lot are . In this day and age of doom and gloom why not be happy for them? I myself wont be watching as I will be at work but I would wish them well., and no it isnt because I am all girly and going goo goo eyed at it all , its just a happy occasion ( and a chance for double pay )


Not at all commitment phobic here, I have been married several years myself (although I'm not sure why my commitment phobia or otherwise is relevant?). I'm a republican, I do not want a non-democratic institution ruling my country and forcing me to pay for it, so I won't be taking part in the "celebrations". I really can't see how the wedding of complete strangers could be a happy occasion for you personally - do you get the bunting out every Saturday for all the other people you don't know who happen to be getting married on that day? Why on earth does this event make you feel happy?

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So I (recklessly) asked SWMBO whether she was planning on watching the sycophantic, posterior-kissing media drivel that will be on the box tomorrow and if she was then I'd be in the conservatory on the laptop, or cutting the grass, or just generally doing anything OTHER than watching that tripe.


SWMBO (doing what she's best at AKA going immediately into "got the face on" mode) "Oh", she says, "I can't watch it then?"

Reckless Fool "You can watch it to your hearts content dear, I won't be joining you, that's all."

SWMBO "Humph, well in that case I won't watch it if I'm not allowed."

RF "Did you even remotely listen to what I just said dear? You can watch it if you like dear, I won't."

SWMBO "Well the daughters boyfriend is coming around tomorrow and you're going to be anti-social then are you?"

RF (thinking the daughter's BF won't be wanting to watch the dross either but realising that RF's not going to win this one whatever he says), "Look love, if I must be social, I'll be sat in the room on the laptop and NOT watching TV, OK?"


As if there will be any social interaction whatsoever, speaking by any human not wearing a dress will most definitely NOT be permitted. Been there, done that, bought the Tee-shirt.


Women, barking mad.

SWMBO = The Thought Police.


She doesn't like that joke about men dying before women but being happy about the prospect either...:twisted::twisted: Living marital life on the edge, bliss ;)

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SWMBO update.


So I innocently asked her, "Do you think they will be keeping up the traditions of the Royal family then?"

SWMBO, "Yes, of course they will."

RF, "Oh good, because based on the recent track record of royal marriages, it won't be many years before one or both of tomorrows happy couple plays away from home and they'll get divorced. Do you think there'll be a days holiday for that as well dear?"

SWMBO -well I can't say what she said, I'm pretty sure I'd get banned :roll:


If I keep this up, I'll get banished to the conservatory or garden tomorrow. :twisted:

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