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Pakistan allows transgenders to be a gender

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they all are experts in law and religion in debates like these, same as theyre suddenly all practising christians when islam is in debate

LOL I guess bliss is ignorance it's laughable really, whenever anything mentions muslims suddenly their all experts0.

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LOL I guess bliss is ignorance it's laughable really, whenever anything mentions muslims suddenly their all experts0.
I for one refuse to ignore the sexual inequality that Islam prides it's self on. Bliss isn't for me... What about you Flow?.
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I for one refuse to ignore the sexual inequality that Islam prides it's self on. Bliss isn't for me... What about you Flow?.

its amazing how many people are suddenly concerned with gay, womens rights etc too when islam is mentioned when previously they didnt give a ****

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its amazing how many people are suddenly concerned with gay, womens rights etc too when islam is mentioned when previously they didnt give a ****


it's also amazing that people seem to think Islam is the only religion to give these groups a hard time

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hmmm. If two whites beat up one bem and whites film it laugh and dont help but the only bem does help and is assaulted by the whites and whites film that and laugh.


Your opinion would be?


a hate crime based on sexuality and race

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its amazing how many people are suddenly concerned with gay, womens rights etc too when islam is mentioned when previously they didnt give a ****
You're confused my friend. I certainly couldn't give a **** about Islam, but where did I say I felt the same towards Islamic Homophobia and Islamic sexual inequality?
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They should be classed as either transgender or the gender they are before the sex change.


No amount of treatement will ever truly make a man a woman and vise versa.

There is a difference between the male and female brain, if I remember rightly all mammals start life female and during pregnancy hormones change the fetes to male or leave it female. It’s possible when a hormone imbalance occurs for a male to be born with a female body and a female with a male body. The brain is what defines us so imagine what it must be like to be born in the wrong body, not much different to being born with any other disability. We can fix them and make them the sex they feel they should be and I can’t see a problem with that. They should then be recognised as their new sex and as far as I am aware in the UK they are, there are also laws preventing discrimination against them.

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its amazing how many people are suddenly concerned with gay, womens rights etc too when islam is mentioned when previously they didnt give a ****


They like to show their 'expert' knowledge as always.


Take this for example:


I for one refuse to ignore the sexual inequality that Islam prides it's self on. Bliss isn't for me... What about you Flow?.


Since when (and where) has Islam prided itself on sexual inequality- it would help people like Danot to read a little on Pre Islamic Arabia.


.When baby girls were being buried alive simply for being female.

.Or how Islam gave women ownership rights- also the right to vote etc.

.As recently as 100 years ago, in French law, a woman could not own any property without the signature of her husband


In Islam ,the rights and responsibilities of a woman are equal to those of man, but they are not necessarily identical with them. Equality and sameness are two very different things.


I think you’ll agree that, for one thing, women and men are physically very different from one another, although they are equal to each other in other important ways.


Problem is, Pakistan is just one of many countries that appears 'Islamic' but is far from it- once the Islamophobes see the ill treatment they jump up and take notice- without checking the facts from the Islamic sources.

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