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Pakistan allows transgenders to be a gender

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Well even someone as blinkered as you and mel would see that obviously Islam has a say as regards the Op seeing as 97% of the population are muslim,if neither of you ,or any other apologist for that matter,cant see that you have no right posting on the subject as obviously in cases like yourselves...ignorance is bliss


Bet none of the Mosques will be building transgender toilets in the near future or welcoming them with open arms


isn't the point to celebrate the law, the thought behind it, and the bravery of those that brought it to court and the judges who saw sense...rather than be disheartened by what might( no matter how likely, or inevitable even) happen?

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isn't the point to celebrate the law, the thought behind it, and the bravery of those that brought it to court and the judges who saw sense...rather than be disheartened by what( no matter how likely, or inevitable even) happen?


no because whatever positive they will bend over backwards to turn it into a negative

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no because whatever positive they will bend over backwards to turn it into a negative


strange that. would have thought the 'closer' the other side gets to us the more common ground and the better. holding on to the mistrust etc serves no right purpose.

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no because whatever positive they will bend over backwards to turn it into a negative
Imagine all the people living life in piece, ooh ooh oooooh.


I wonder if this is where the saying- wearing rose coloured spectacles came from?

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