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Pakistan allows transgenders to be a gender

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So how come they try them and then execute them if its not in the countrys law unless of course its like double standard Pakistan where muslim law can and does overturn civil law where civil court finds you not guilty then muslim court orders you rearrested, finds you guilty and sentences you to death.


And this is the elightened Pakistan we're hearing about?:suspect::huh::loopy:


up to your bold you got it right. the same with the pedophile priests being 'tried' within the church and 'the law' having no part to play in it here.

the law only works if people agree on it. that's why you get 'the wall of silence' etc... it's not only in Muslim countries where communities do their own thing.

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Oh so we ignore the barbarism just because it suits you too, well some people don't like the fact that Pakistan harbours terrorists and their training camps, put women on death row for trivial made up offences and where muslim law overrides civil law and civil rights.


I'm the one living out of the box and not taken in by the relaxation of the gender bender laws.


BTW does anyone know whether the woman on death row has been executed yet.

The disgusting scum who were baying for her blood may well make up part of next years influx into the UK from Pakistan.


i the states, if the christian right have their way it'll soon be murder to have an abortion.


many 'churches' have polygamous marriages' under age wives etc which override civil rights.


the westboro people? ring a bell?


let's not criticize too much unless we criticize EVERYONE equally for the same crimes.

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for the most part laws always do come out of abuse, violence, degradation etc. can hardly name one that hasn't.


Yes they do. But <removed> homosexuality is punishable by a prison sentence in that country. Do you expect me to stand up and cheer for that county when there are so many human rights abuses going on there in the name of religion?

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Yes they do. But <removed> homosexuality is punishable by a prison sentence in that country. Do you expect me to stand up and cheer for that county when there are so many human rights abuses going on there in the name of religion?


There are human rights abuses going on in just about every country. What does it matter what it's in the name of?

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Am I the only one who thinks something about this story just didn't ring true? It seems the Pakistani government is motivated not so much by 'fairness", but by a desire to recruit more soldiers for their army of Transgender Tax Collectors.


I don't know how I feel about this. On the one hand, the Pakistani government is offering them a chance at employment. On the other, how long before one of them is seriously injured, perhaps even murdered on the job? And I bet we'd hear precious little about it, too. I can only imagine the nine kinds of fresh hell that would be raised if the US government employed transgender folk in the same capacity.

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i the states, if the christian right have their way it'll soon be murder to have an abortion.


many 'churches' have polygamous marriages' under age wives etc which override civil rights.


the westboro people? ring a bell?


let's not criticize too much unless we criticize EVERYONE equally for the same crimes.

My Bold = If which is a little word with a big meaning, I'm pointing out actual happenings and the existing affairs not ifs and buts.


Nobody seems to want to answer about the fate of the women I mentioned in this enlightened country.

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