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Pakistan allows transgenders to be a gender

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not sure what you're trying to say here. anyway, back on topic- i think it's a good sign and, in this case, they are way ahead of us.

But surely if the do a full medical test regarding gendre won't they show up as women or men depending on what they were born as.

Didn't they use these tests when the Iron curtain countries were using what were suspected as men women in major athletic events and suddenly some top soviet female athletes dissappeared?

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what utter barbarism, and a clear race crime.


Exactly did anyone else notice the colour of the attackers and the colour of the victim.



theres always one................or two :P

just because somebodys of a different colour / race from their attacker / victim DOES NOT make it a race crime

what DOES make it a race crime is the motive, if they are attacked because of their colour / race


i take it in this case it was cos of the victims sexuality / transgender issue??


which makes it a hate crime indeed, but NOT racial

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How disgusting and inhumane, A stain on the developed world.
How very true, it really belongs to countries where they execute homosexuals, stone adultresses to death, stone women for learning to read, execute women over drinking water, flog women for going out unchaperoned.
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How very true, it really belongs to countries where they execute homosexuals, stone adultresses to death, stone women for learning to read, execute women over drinking water, flog women for going out unchaperoned.


How typical you turn a positive thread into a negative one, That must be some stick up your ass.

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